(Photo credit: Flickr user KB35)

Over at The Nation, Lee Fang has a great piece about how foreign money is finding its way into our elections.

Although most of the nation’s attention has been focused on the rise of Super PACs, Fang looks at how another group is impacting the nation’s elections: trade associations. The author finds that one trade association in particular, the American PetroleumAi??InstituteAi??(API), has been spending money in our elections, and this money isn’t necessarily American.

Fang lays out how API is partly funded by the U.S. subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, which also stands to benefit from the Keystone XL pipeline the organization has committed itself to pushing. Additionally,Ai??Tofiq Al-Gabsani, an executive at the company, sits on API’s board. He also happens to be a registered lobbyist for the Saudi government.

The author reminds us that API ads were critical in defeating Joe Sestak in his bid for U.S. Senate, and that they’re now targeting Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and others on behalf of anti-environment candidates. This is an important detail because while U.S. law still prohibits foreign corporations from donating to political action committees, they are still free to back trade associations, including ones like API that intervene in elections.

We encourage you to read Fang’s full piece here. It’s really great.

If you think all of this is as wrong as we do, you can do something about it. Join PCCC’s Take Back Democracy Campaign.