Mark Pocan
Here’s a special message from Mark Pocan, a Wisconsin State Assembly member and openly-gay bold progressive candidate for Congress:
When Tammy Baldwin became the first openly-gay American elected to Congress as a non-incumbent,Ai??her victory was a historic breakthrough.
It allowed other openly-gay people to seek public office without fear — people like me.
In less than one week, we could make history againAi??with Tammy Baldwin becoming the first openly-gay senator. And if myself and others like Mark Takano get elected, we could send the largest LGBT delegation to Congress in history.
Can you help us achieve history by donating $3 to Tammy Baldwin and Mark Takano’s campaign today? ]
YES! Great progressives in Congress vs. a cup of coffee. Easy choice!
No. But happy to volunteer from home. Show me the call shifts for them later today and this week.
Mark Takano is a friend and has already provided great value to his local California community as a teacher. I’m proud of him for making the decision to run for Congress — he calls himself “openly gay and openly progressive.”
All of us will oppose cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits. We want strong government investment in jobs. And we support real accountability for Wall Street.
PCCC members have already made thousands of calls for our campaigns, and today will be a big day.
Please click here to sign up to make calls from home today and this week.Ai??And know that you have our thanks.
(Or, chip in a few dollars to Tammy and Mark’s campaigns.)
Thanks for being a bold progressive.