On Monday, Wisconsin Republican Tommy Thompson and bold progressive Tammy Baldwin debated about their competing visions for the country as they both run for the state’s Senate seat.
As Thompson continued to rail on the Affordable Care Act, one moderator asked him about his own vision for health care. The candidate went on to the normal Republican proverbs about the need for tort reform and other non-reforms, but also bizarrely mentioned that we need to be able to buy health insurance online:
THOMPSON: What I want Bob is I want a health care system that’s affordable…let’s base it on quality. Number 2, let’s allow individuals be able to purchase health insurance over the Internet. Be able to put in what they want in there. Number three let’s do away with the liability problems.
Watch Thompson’s response (it begins at 24:38):
As for tort reform, a number of states have already enacted it. When Texas did, it did absolutely nothing to reduce overall health care costs.
Tammy Baldwin has an actual solution — and not just gimmicks about online purchasing and tort reform — to the health care crisis. She supports the Affordable Care Act and wants to continue to reform the health care system with a Medicare for All plan. Help us elect Tammy Baldwin by pitching in $3 for her campaign.
I think after seeing this Tommy Thompson needs to find oiut what living as a regular american is all about. the repuboican party has become un-american in voting no to american jobs and voting no and getting our AAA knocked down after voting yes so many times before all because they couldn’t ever vote yes to anything Obama did, UN_AMERICAN is the new gop!!! they forgot what we pay them for!!!