Former senator George Allen always is a long-time foe of net neutrality — the rules by which Internet-providing telecom companies can’t discriminate against access to certain websites. He voted to virtually eliminate net neutrality in 2006, and got $113,000 from big telecom companies like AT&T during his last election cycle.

But corruption’s the gift that keeps on giving. Allen is once again running for a Senate seat, and he will be hosted by numerous Verizon lobbyists tonight for a huge fundraiser.

The fundraiser will be held at the home of Tom Tauke, who is himself a former congressmen who walked through the revolving door to become the Executive Vice President, Public Affairs, Policy and Communications for Verizon — one of the company’s top government affairs (lobbying) positions.

Also attending will be Peter Davidson, the former General Counsel to the House Majority Leader Dick Armey, who now works for Verizon as the Senior VP for Federal Government Relations.

Each host will be donating $2,000 on behalf of a Political Action Committee (PAC) and/or $1,000 individually. Additionally attendees are invited to attend if they donate $1,000 as a PAC or $500 as an individual.

It should be noted that Verizon isn’t just a stark opponent of net neutrality. It has also moved in recent years to put down unions such as the Communication Workers of America and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. It’s likely that if Allen is elected on the back of Verizon cash, he will be hostile to both Internet freedom and organized labor.

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