Rep. Frank Guinta (R-NH)

Republican Members of Congress love to bash the stimulus bill and then ask for stimulus dollars and tout its projects back home. In 2010, over 110 Republican lawmakers who voted against the stimulus bill simultaneously tried to take credit for stimulus projects in their districts and/or asked for more money.

On Wednesday, Republican congressman Frank Guinta (NH) got called out by his bold progressive Democratic opponent Carol Shea-Porter over his own stimulus hypocrisy. Shea-Porter pointed out that Guinta criticizes the stimulus but that as the mayor of Manchester in 2009 and 2010 he requested stimulus funding for airport projects and other programs.

“You actually loved the stimulus, when you were mayor and asked for money from me!” Shea-Porter said.

Watch Shea-Porter call out Guinta:

Guinta didn’t just ask for stimulus dollars. He even attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the airport project Shea-Porter referenced — a project that wouldn’t even have existed if Republicans succeeded in stopping the stimulus bill.

He was even called a “grandstander” by Sen. Kelly Ayote (R-NH) after he complained as mayor that stimulus funds weren’t arriving quickly enough.

We don’t need any more hypocrites in Congress. Click here to chip in a few dollars to Shea-Porter’s campaign.