The national news media has just called the Massachusetts Senate race for Elizabeth Warren.

Progressive Change Campaign Committee Ai??(PCCC) members made over 570,000 calls for Warren and raised over $1.1 million for her campaign.

PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor has the following statement on Warren’s election:

“Progressives just won our marquee race of 2012 and elected a leader who will shake up the corridors of power from Washington to Wall Street.Ai??We are proud to have made nearly 600,000 calls and raised well over $1,000,000 in small-dollar donations for Warren’s campaign.Ai??The election of Elizabeth Warren is a historic moment and an investment in a progressive future whereAi??working families have a fighting chance.”

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Peter Shumlin (VT-GOV) re-elected. (26,000 PCCC calls)

Chris Murphy (CT-SEN) elected. (41,000 PCCC calls)

Bernie Sanders (VT-SEN) re-elected. ($53,000 raised)

Sheldon Whitehouse (RI-SEN) re-elected. (10,000 PCCC calls, over 1,000 grassroots donations)

Alan Grayson (FL-HOUSE) elected. (216,577 PCCC calls,Ai??$56,684 raised)

Lois Frankel (FL-HOUSE) elected. (230,522 PCCC calls, nearly 3,000 contributions)

Elizabeth Warren (MA-SEN) elected. (570,000 PCCC calls, $1.1 million raised)

Tammy Baldwin (WI-SEN) elected. (92,000 PCCC calls, $55,000 raised)

Sherrod Brown (OH-SEN) elected. (79,000 PCCC calls, $36,000 raised)

Mark Pocan (WI-HOUSE) elected. (34,090 PCCC calls)

Keith Ellison (MN-HOUSE) elected. (17,504 PCCC calls)

David Cicilline (RI-HOUSE) elected. (10,764 PCCC calls)

Beth Pearce (VT-TREASURER) elected. (26,000 PCCC calls)

Annie Kuster (NH-HOUSE) elected. (119,095 PCCC calls)

Raul Ruiz (CA-HOUSE) elected. (5,626 PCCC calls)

Carol Shea-Porter (NH-HOUSE) elected. (133,355 PCCC calls)