Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) opposes President Obama’s proposal to cut Social Security and veterans benefits with a “chained CPI.” In fact, he says that making no deal at all before January 2013 would be preferable. Here’s why:
Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore) was even more terse. He warned it is better to go over the cliff on Dec. 31 rather than reach an agreement that includes the Social Security cuts. DeFazio said the current CPI, though imperfect, is better than the chained CPI. He asked what motivation there is for Democrats to fight for what, in their eyes, is the worse deal.
“On Jan. 1, if we do nothing, seniors get a full COLA [cost-of-living-allowance] ai??i?? and Lloyd Blankfein pays more in taxes,” DeFazio said, referring to the head of Goldman Sachs. “If we do nothing, seniors don’t get stuck with this deal.”
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Click hereAi??to pledge to hold any Democrat who agrees to a deal that cuts Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits accountable.
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Impeach Obama if he sells out! Embalm Boehner no matter what!
I agree with Richard Jansen. Pelosi doesn’t think it’s such a bad deal for seniors to NOT get their COLA—-easy enough for her to say since she isn’t living on LESS than $700.00 a month; a $20 COLA means a heck of a lot to me.
Then call your member of congress! The link is above.
So nice that Nancy Pelosi is so out of touch with the elderly and disabled…yet wants to speak for them. I despise her almost as much as I do Debbie Stabenow
I can’t stop reading. It is great!