CPC Co-chair Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) made clear he will oppose any cuts to Social Security benefits and vote against a deal that includes them.
Earlier today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said she would support President Obama’s proposed Social Security benefit cuts — even arguing that using the “chained CPI” would not be a benefit cutAi??after previously telling President Obama “that House Democrats will not vote for any trims to future benefits in Medicare or Social Security, even a tweak to the cost-of-living index,”Ai??according to her hometown paper.
A defiant Congressional Progressive Caucus ai??i?? which hasAi??75 MembersAi??in the House ai??i?? pushed back, releasing a statement declaring:
Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) are standing up against a proposal to cut Social Security benefits by changing the way we calculate inflation…Tying Social Security to chained CPI is a benefit cut and members of the CPC will not vote for a deal that cuts the benefits that millions of Americans rely on.
This Progressive Caucus statement follows similarly bold statements from individual Caucus members in the preceding 36 hours. Some are below (emphasis added):
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), CPC co-chair:
“Chained CPI makes life harder for millions of retirees, weakens Social Security and doesnai??i??t reduce the deficit by a penny. Itai??i??s a Beltway fig leaf that I will never support, and I call on my colleagues to make their feelings known as soon as possible before this becomes yet another piece of conventional wisdom that makes things worse.”
Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI):
“I will vote against any agreement that imposes cuts to already modest Social Security benefits and does not ask millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share.”
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA):
“Reducing cost of living adjustments is a Social Security benefit cut. Any deal that cuts Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid benefits is unacceptable and I will oppose it.”
There has been intense unity among progressive organizations on this point of opposing a deal that cuts Social Security benefits. The AFL-CIO said Congress should “reject any cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, or Medicare benefits.” It also said that it viewed “chained CPI as a cut in Social Security benefits. We strongly oppose chained CPI.” Ai??MoveOn said its “members would expect every Senate and House DemocratAi??to do everything in their power to block” a deal that cuts benefits,Ai??Credo Action calledAi??the proposed cutsAi??a “betrayal”,Ai??and PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor declared, ai???Any Democrat who votes for cuts to Social Security benefits, including cutting cost of living adjustments, is inviting a primary.ai???
We set up an ActBlue page to highlight and reward bold progressive members of Congress who are speaking out publicly today.Ai??Check them out and donate $3 to them here.
Click hereAi??to pledge to hold any Democrat who agrees to a deal that cuts Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits accountable.
Click hereAi??to call your Member of Congress and demand that they oppose this bad deal.
NO. NO. No. and NO. Grow a SPINE.
I agree donna!
Dont let this Blackmail hurt the elderly of this country- most of whom dont get enough Social security to live on as it is ! And BOO to all who would even consider it ! Stand up against these thugs- cut their pay and benefits instead ! See how that flies !
Thank you for standing with us. If this passes it will open the door for more and deeper cuts to Social Security that most seniors depend on. This is in no way needed. I’m devastated that a democratic President would propose this and Nancy Pelosi would agree with him. I don’t think he will waver so the progressives in the House are the only way to stop this.
Have you made a call to your Member of Congress yet? If not, do it! And encourage your friends to.
We need to tell this re-elected President that starting his second term by cutting Social Security benefits — “This is something that the Republicans have asked for…as part of an effort to find common ground” (Carney) —
This is NOT something that the American people who re-elected him in good faith HAVE ASKED FOR in poll after poll!!!
The Republicans are NOT our kind of “folks”, Mr. President!!!
This president needs to SAVE FACE!
Stand up for tax hike on those making 250k not 500k also raise the SS tax ceiling tax all SS income
Jim: you should explain how some of seniors SS benefit is exempt (I think its 50%) from income tax on the 1040. Elimination of this exemption would be a method of means testing SS that would only effect the rich and would actually help balance the deficit. It would make SS distributions no different than any other (401k, company pension, etc) retirement plan for tax perpossis . Why does Obama not propose this instead of benefit cuts?
Oppose this!!! If the democrats do this they will be in a worse position than the republican party. Every progressive democrat that stuck with you this election will be gone. They – I – will have nothing to lose. We will vote 3rd party. This is a huge betrayal of the very clear message the voters sent this election. Shame on you.
Make sure you make a call to your Member of Congress. And encourage your friends to as well.
So, why did you NOT vote 3rd party in Nov. Obama is pulling no surprises now. He had made it very clear where he stood the last 4 years…more wars…no environmental protections…ndaa.. cutting social services. why did you just wake up now?
We did not vote 3rd party because we women actually care about not losing rights, the environment, ss, medicare, etc. A vote for a 3rd party in 2012 was a sure way to give the elections to the Republicans and Tea-ers. Sorry if these things were not important to you.
If you want to change these facts, start working on a viable 3rd party which appeals to the middle of the road in both major parties and get lots of candidates elected to state and local venues. Then, we can talk. Until you accomplish this, please let up, you lost.
Call the White House and call them often! Since Boehner keeps backing away every time the President offers more, we need to take SS off the table-period. 202-456-1111. I keep calling and telling them how betrayed I feel. Let’s meet the cliff head-on and work from there. If the GOP keeps up their antics, they will be history during the 2014 elections. That is not very far away when you consider the devastation of SS that will last us a life-time.
I think your stance is as nonproductive as that of the KKK TEA PARTY. I am 67 and your position is really stupid and evidently you don’t give a damn about the country either. The $25.00 per recipient you’re talking about is total BS.
You are ignorant & anti American.
Make a call to Congress!
Pleas explain. Who’s stance do you think is nonproductive?
If they do this it will be the first step to Social Security being gone. Stand firm. You have the country behind you. Obama needs to stop capitulating. HE WON. WE WON. TELL THE REPUBS TO STUFF IT.
damn right. since it’s clear obama’s a blue-dog, and nancy prefers ‘good soldier’ status it leaves the job of progress to the progressives. that’s you guys. thank you so much. please, NEVER give in to the spineless dems.
STAY STRONG AND STAND UP FOR SOCIAL SECURITY. Also no need to over regulate…..We got it locally. 🙂
THANK YOU! I cannot believe that the man who owes his re-election to older Americans and the middle class would do this. Saying that this is the lesser of two evils (aka ANY Republican plan) will not work anymore. Enough is enough!
Thank you!
Agreed. My family and I worked tirelessly to get this guy reelected. Now this, betrayal beyond belief!
Shame on the Minority Leader and the President for even putting this on the table!!! SHAME!!!!
NO cuts to Social Security. You give them an inch and they will take a mile. Social Security is 100% solvent for at least another 20 years and is not contirubting to the deficit. LEAVE IT ALONE!!! As Bernie Sanders said, We will not clear this deficit on the backs of the elderly, the poor, the disabled! I am not a coldhearted Repugnicant and I say NO
Thank you!!
Keep your promises! Keep away from social security benefits and get rid of the Bush tax cuts!!!
Agree completely. Keep your promises, Mr President! And Nancy, how could you?
Cut military spending, cut politician’s salaries, cut your own damn throats, but leave our social security ALONE
Completely agree–I believe millions also agree !!!
Thanks Lyle! Well said. I’ve been so upset about this and your comment made me laugh.
I’ve repeatedly called and emailed my senators, congressman, the president, and am going to do the same to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Steny Hoyer. We can’t let them do this. Keep the pressure on, everyone!
Thank you for supporting us and social security!!! Stand strong! Americans need you!
Leave social security alone. If you need money stop subsidizing the big oil companies. They are making money hand over fisy, cut the subsidy and fund the deficit. Leave Social Security Alone, like you promised when you were looking for votes.
Thank you for standing with us.
Thank you for speaking out against this bad deal. It needs to be said. Social Security, Medicare and Medicade were NOT to be on the table during these negotiations. Yet Boehner was able to put it there and get the President to go along. In the name of compromise to reach a deal. We don’t want a deal like that and said so uring the elections. Remember, these are people not some numbers on an accounting ledger. Acting like Romney would. We’ve already paid, had cuts, for at least the last twelve years. The wealthy have increased their wealth at our expense. Where are their cuts? Where are their cuts that will hurt them? Obviously a monthly increase of maybe $12 a month is too much on top of the overly generous $1000 a month. Not week. But month. Please look at what Bernie Sanders has. His plan works without cuts. No, Republicans won’t like it. Too bad. We haven’t liked the last 12 yrs. They lost the election. The people said, no more. The wealthy need to pay their fair share. A bad deal is not good just to avoid the so called fiscal cliff. Which is something they made up. Because when was the last time our number 1 priority was seriously talked about? Remember? Jobs? More people working means more revenue. If companies paid decently demand for products would grow. The economy would grow. But no. We have to play the Republicans game, AGAIN.
Thank you!
Let’s go over the ‘Fiscal Curb’ and then come back in January with ‘FRESH, NEW, CLEAN’ Legislation to JUST cut taxes for those under $250,000!!! 8|
Shame on Obama and Pelosi
NO cuts to SS.. NONE. these are NOT entitlements.. they were paid for by employee contributions. Shame on any Democrat for even thinking of using this as a negotiating tool.. it’s off limits! Tax the fithy rich their fair share!
Thank you for standing up and doing the right thing. Cutting Social Security is not the answer. Standing up isn’t always easy but when it’s the right thing to do it means everything. We have paid into SS, it is ours. Tax the people who deserve it, those who make tons of money and pay lower taxes than most of us do!
Thank you so much for fighting to protect Social Security! Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. It’s time for the rich to pay their fair share! Please don’t compromise. Seniors are counting on you!
Thank you for standing up for Social Security. Just, please, convince the President too.
Thanks for trying to protect Social Security.
social security is your own money that you counted on to retire. after all you did work for it.. thank you for not sitting on your brains…
Ezekiel 16:49-50 Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, over feed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
America is inhospitable to those who are disabled or can not find work. Several friends are scrambling to find employment or better employment since they took low paying jobs after being laid off. Many companies will not even accept job applications from people who are recently unemployed.
The following may be useful in talking with people of faith about bills related to job creation, poverty and health care.
Psalm 41:1 – Blessed is he that considereth the Poor: The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
Proverbs 29:7 – The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not [ hath not understanding ] to know it.
Proverbs 31:8-9 – Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction [left desolate]. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
Ezekiel 16:49 – Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness [prosperous ease] was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
Deuteronomy 15:11 – For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto they brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.
Matthew 19:23-24 – Then said Jesus unto his disciples, “Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
It is my personal opinion that taxing the rich will help them enter into heaven. It will also ease a lot of the suffering the rest of us experience. Assuming the money is spent properly.
This reminds me of 2011 where the president gave in to the republicans. He said he would not do it again. why doe he think he has to give in. The republicans don’t have any Negotiating power. If they insist in trying to implement their policies, which the American people voted against, let them go over the cliff. It can’t be any worst then what we have now. We will get all the cuts we want and they will be the blame for it. They won’t be worth a nickle in 2014. We need THE BIG CUT IN MILITARY SPENDING. The President won’t have any trouble adding what he wants to put back in military spending, because the Republicans will pass any legislation that is offered. The big contractors will demand that they do. He will then have a chance to cut the subsidies and get rid of some of the rules that favor contractors.
None of we seniors can afford any cuts to our income. we are barely paying our bills each month. i lost my COL the last three years, ABOUT 300.00 TOTAL. NOBODY PUT A CAP ON INFLATION. GAS HAS GONE UP, GROCERIES HAVE GONE UP, ALSO INSURANCE PREMIUMS, TAXES, AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT, THE GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN JUST TOOK AWAY OUR HEATING CREDIT FOR THE STATE. (LOST: 900.00) WE CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE.
Thank you or opposing any cuts to social security.
We have surrendered to the GOP too many times in the past and ended up where we are today, inferior. THEM DAYS ARE OVER!!! In the past Presidential election, we the people spoke out loud and clear and the Democratic Party validated that they were listening and heard our demands. Social Security is not an entitlement, it’s a benefit that has been bought and paid for, the same as many corrupt politicians. Congress has stolen funds out of this program, evidently with no intention of ever paying it back. Now the citizen of the United States of America are demanding this money back with interest and legislation that protects the people from ever getrting ripped off again, Your credit is no good with us anymore, you are in default, we’re filing forclosure actions. SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT UP FOR AUCTION!!! Personally, I welcome the fiscal cliff with open arms instead of giving in to the GOP brats again. This would insure that the Bush criminal plot will expire and make way for the Obama Tax Plan’ We the working families are equipped with at built in bungee cord for this dive, for withouT us, there is no economy. I am sick of baring witness to Congress attempts to patch up this dysfunctional tax plan year after year. It’s time for some new tires. I have personally sacrifised many frienships and spent many hours campaigning for the Democrat Party in this past election and have already started working on getting support for Congressional seats in 2014. DO NOT SELL US OUT DAMN IT!!!
one day of money spent on the war would cover this stupid cut that is being proposed… obama PROMISED not to balance the budget on the backs of the most needy!! keep your word!!
Off the cliff (curb)!!!!
The “fiscal cliff” is an invention of congress…an invented crisis. The debt isn’t even what’s holding back the economy! Lack of jobs is though, along with an obstructive and destructive GOP, who are simply on a mission to dismantle programs they hate. Dems must not cave to a GOP lie! What may seem like a small cut to you is very important to a senior trying to survive on a very small amt of money! Punishing the elderly is vile & unconscionable! Remember 2014…because we sure will!
Please do not sacrifice the Elderly on fixed income.
Please let Nancy Pelosi know that she is absolutely wrong on SS cuts! We elected Dems to protect us from GOP cuts. Don’t betray those of us who worked hard for a Democratic victory in 2012. Touching SS puts 2014 in grave doubt for Dems! (Which is one reason why the GOP want Dems to do their dirty work.) Wise up & help those who helped you!
Do Not Sacrifice the Elderly on fixed incomes!!
President Obama has agreed to Speaker John Boehner’s proposal to change Social Security’s benefit calculation. Under the proposal, benefit increases would decrease .3% year by year. Over time, this would hit low-income retirees the hardest, but it would hit everyone.
As part of the fiscal showdown negotiations, President Obama has proposed cutting Social Security for almost all current and future beneficiaries.
Social Security should NOT be a part of the negotiations. It does not contribute even $1 to the deficit, and according to even the most pessimistic projections it is 100% solvent for more than 20 years.
Please help take Speaker Boehner’s proposal off the table and tell them it’s unacceptable.
Yours truly,
Leonard G Appelman
Salem, Ohio
Nancy, you are such a coward. Two day ago, you were saying no way to any SS cuts…at all…period. I am in your district and I guarantee you will never get my vote again if this goes thorugh. And the President should be ashamed. Instead of Person of The Year, he should be getting a Judas of The Year award.
It is becoming so obvious to the Amercian people that the Elitist 1% now own our politicians and the political process. No one gets to even run for President without their OK; meaning they agree to the Bildenberger Agenda. How does it feel to sell the Seniors down the river–and probably worse things yet to come–just so you could be elected President?
Are there no longer any men or women of honor, and some real guts, who are willing to fight for the citizens of this country? It is a sad day. And to watch a black man kiss the ass of these rich, white guys is also very heart-breaking. What a travesty.
BE A MAN, dammit! And act like a real President! I am 64 years old and had to take early retirement because of the Recession/Robbery of the Middle-Class. That means I lost about $450/mo in benefits by being unable to wait until age 66. I had no choice in the matter! And all the bankers got off scott free. How does it feel to betray a bunch of old people, while the rich bastards make more money than ever.
What is wrong with this picture, for God’s sake!?
Spineless jerks better not cave in. CPI is total BS. Social Security is NOT on the table for negotiation. Obama, you promised me and I voted for you. Don’t stab me in the back now. Grow a spine and tell Congressman “Boner” to get deal done another way.
This is not a fiscal cliff compromise by Obama and Pelosi. It is a betrayal.
If they had been looking for a way to KILL the Democratic Party, they couldn’t have come up with a better one than this. Why would anyone ever bother to vote Democratic again?
I have been political all my life. I have voted a straight Dem ticket all my life, I have donated. I have volunteered. But this is just too gut wrenching. The suffering they are setting millions upon millions upon millions of people up for is too much to bear. They are going to have seniors living on dog food an misery.
Count me out if they succeed. And deepest gratitude to all Dems in office who slap them down for this and refuse to go along.
Good Girl Ann: that what I like to hear.
I believed President Obama when he promised in his campaign that he would not attempt to balance his budget on the backs of the seniors and the disabled by cutting Social Security and Medicare. Now we begin the assault on just those people by attempting to cut Social Security benefits. If our government passes this, I promise the American people will actively go after our Congress for awarding themselves too many pay increases not tied to that same standard. Further, I propose that we pursue the Warren Buffett proposal to limit benefits to Congress and also limit the number of vacation and sick days each year for our Congress. So far they can just participate at will it seems. Also they should be penalized everytime they participate in actions like a filibuster which result in no action being taken. It is time for severe term limits so we keep to the founding fathers original notion of citizen legislators. Let us do away with career politicians. It should be an honor to serve one or two terms and then return to your normal profession. This should not become what you do for life. Maybe then they would understand the average American citizen a little better. They are not above us or better than us. They are supposed to be our servants and serve at our disgression.
Patrica: That a girl tell it like it is!!!
Thank you progressives for speaking up for us. We as a country are lost in a sea of corporations. I have also worked hard for the Democratic party and really believed they would not sell out. Obama is proving that he has more friends on Wall Street than George W. We need more politicians that care for the people like Independant Bernie Sanders and all of the Democrats who are willing to make a stand. If our President who I have loved and trusted, lets us down, we will have to start to look away from the two party system and get an Independant party that really represents people who vote for them, and not the corporations who buy representatives….AND RAISING THE RETIREMENT AGE???? REALLY???? Why not just change social security to the work until you die
plan, The biggest insult is that we paid for this. We don’t get bail outs, we don’t get tax breaks like the wealthy. Some of ts live in cold houses with little tp eat. Yes keep givining the oil companies large subsidies and lets take more money from the elderly…Wake up…America’s leaders are looking very bad at home and around the world! Good luck in standing up to leaders who have lost focus and who have forgotton those who voted for them,,,,Thanks again for your efforts. You are compassionate beings!
Linda: Keep up the good reporting, D.C. needs to know that we know what they’r up to.
Chained CPI is a technocrat thing. The fact that there is a COLA is a benefit. How it’s calculated is not necessarily a benefit cut. There were a couple of recent years where there was no COLA. If we went through a deflationary period would you support a negative COLA? Probably not. My solution is to let ALL of the Bush tax cuts expire, which incidentally were passed during war time, and pass the American Jobs Act. Correct past mistakes and then take a step forward. IMO
Hans: You’ve got that right. Hope the conservaitves do a liitle reading from someone who knows for a change
Stand strong! It is greatly appreciated!
We elected the Democrats into office so that this would NOT happen. The poor and elderly have nothing left to sacrifice, it has been stolen by the rich.
Thank you. My mother was one of those loathsome 47 percenters who had to live on her Social Security, and therefore paid no income tax. Thanks for standing up for her.
Thank you for standing up for my parents and the Middle Class.
Obama must hold firm as he has all the marbles and bargaining position. Medicare and Social Security(F.I.C.A.) and Unemployment benefits(F.U.T.A.) must be funded by taxing top earners on Wall Street and Banking on their entire earnings(Up to $5,000,000.00) taxed and not limited to the first $110,100.00 for Social Security and federal taxes without limitations, adjustments or exceptions and at ordinary tax rates. Democrats should get behind the president, as the TEA, Evangelicals, Libertarians and dis-enfranchisers were committed to ousting the president and pay back is due. The debt ceiling is first, middle class payroll tax deductions extended and passage of the Dream Act along with the FICA and FUTA increases outlined above. And the 2014 Mid-term election is a-coming!
I realize that good politics includes the art of compromise. But the President said that Social Security was not on the table–and it seems he has put it there. At this point I would say dump all the Bush area tax cuts and start over in January. Don’t cave in again to the republicans (aka tea party).
Any change is the beginning of the end. Once tinkered always on the table. Stand tough for the benefit of seniors. The COLA employed now is no where near what is needed for a senior to survive. Remember the fastest growing current class of Americans fallling into poverty are SENIORS!!!!!
My thanks for your efforts to protect the “47 %ers” 😉
Pelosi, either stand up to those Repukes and Tea-Baggers, or else get out of the way and hand the reins over to a PROGRESSIVE that will fight our fight.
Well said, Todd!
If they get away with this, it’s just a matter of time, they will be back with more cuts.
Thank you for supporting the no CPI calculation change, etc.
Obama and Pelosi advocating for this betrayal of the nation’s retirees is beyond the pale! What do we need Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan for when Obama and Nancy Pelosi are so quick to cut the lifeline of Social Security??
Hasn’t Obama learned anything from his four years of failure, trying to play nice with those Repgulicans? We saved his rump, and he turns on the weaker segments of society, again to please the same hateful lot. He’s acting very cocky, not to the opposition, but towards his own best supporters.
Let them know:
Senator Barbara Boxer
Phone: (202) 224-3553
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Phone: (202) 224-3841
Mr. Obama has the backing and support of the majority of this nation. WHY on earth would he even THINK of considering the Chained CPI?!?! Let’s just let the Republicans take the heat for not being willing to compromise, and wait for the Bush Tax Cuts to expire, then Congress can work on a new tax plan that allows the middle and lower classes a break. LEAVE our meager Social Security and Medicare plans alone until there’s time to REALLY work out cost savings for the government. Let’s get out of the wars in the Middle East and cut the Defense Department’s budget. Mercy! What savings there would be! Social Security, Medicare, and military benefits are Not “entitlements”. They are earned.
I suggest everyone write to President Obama and tell him how you feel, I did and I didn’t hold back. I was polite, but let him know his back is not being covered any longer by his older folks, this is not cool and I will no longer support him in any way if he goes through with this.
It has been the poor work of congress, that led to our national debt growing to where it is now. It’s up to them to get us back on track now.
Social securtiy was paying it’s own way, when Congress afraid to pass anythng that threatened to deprive them of the next election didn’t figure out that cutting taxes, paying for two wars and an ever expaning military would require raising the national debt.
Now the conservatives who voted unanamosly for those cuts , want to blame it on the proressive liberals (who also have some blame) for the debt. All the while wanting the military industrial complex, bank and wall street keep their ill gotten gains, that ran up the debt.
Lets hear some give, instead of take for a few years while the economy heals.
Why do politicians consider messing with social security and Medicare? It is because they are not part of it and are totally unaffected by anything that hurts social security.
Why are members of congress-and even the president-not part of the social security system?
Start a movement for members of congress to be part of social security and get their pensions and health care from Medicare like we do ?
Pass this around!
I wish the Democrats would stop resembling Republicans. I’m so sick of them not having a backbone, especially Mr. Obama and Ms. Pelosi. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they just don’t care enough to be. I’m so fed up with them. They keep allowing the Republicans to whittle away at the middle and poor classes.
WHY did voters vote for REPUBLICAN HOUSE Reps!!!!?????
It is THEIR fault ONLY!! They knew how republicans ARE! Dems cant do anything to stop this! So you have to take the blame people.. WHOEVER voted for the republican house .. and its a SHAME that people just go and vote and do NOT look at what or WHO they are voting on!!
Let me get this clear..:
Politicians have no clue what it’s like for the elderly to try to live on Social Security. It’s not enough to cover their monthly expenses. We have seniors
living with space heaters in order to avoid using their furnace. Eating something from a can everyday in order to keep their food expenses &
utilities down and even signing their homes away in order to avoid foreclosure.
Seniors can’t afford a cut in their Social Security. This is not an option.
Increase taxes on the wealthy, who can afford to pay their fair share.
Shame on Obama and Pelosi for even considering a Social Security
cuts for seniors. This is not acceptable.
The whole idea of cutting SS, Medicare and Medicaid is ridiculous, and meanspirited. We need to put people first in this country. The majority of Congress are millionaires so they do not have a personal investment in this. I did not vote for Obama a second time to have this happen. Shame on Obama and Pelosi for even considering these cuts. Maybe we need to start a third party of progressives.