An anti-fracking protest sign in New York. (Photo credit: Flickr user Bosc d’Anjou)
This week, Matt Damon’s drama Promised Land releases in theaters nationwide. The film showcases one town’s struggle to stop the controversial dirty energy process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in their vicinity.
In Pennsylvania, the fracking industry is fighting back against the message of Damon’s film by buying a pro-frackingAi??propagandaAi??message in 75 percent of theaters in the state:
Before many Pennsylvania moviegoers settle in for Matt Damon’s film about the fight over natural gas drilling, they will see a message from the energy industry offering “straightforward facts” about hydraulic fracturing. […] The on-screen ad that will be shown in 75 percent of Pennsylvania theaters lasts 16 seconds and refers the audience to an industry-sponsored website,Ai??www.learnaboutshale.org, for “a community conversation on natural gas.” It’s sponsored by the Marcellus Shale Coalition industry group in Pittsburgh.
Supporting the fracking industry has in recent years become a political liability. Blue Dog Democrat Tim Holden (D-PA) was defeated in his primary late last year partly because he supported expanding the use of fracking.
Went to see the film when it opened here in Webster ny on Friday night. A couple of us frackivists were handing flyers with information on how to contact our representatives to the paltry number (dozen?) of people who viewed it along with us. The manager ran over to us when one of his lackeys filled him in on our abhorrent behavior. He said ” no, no, no! you can’t do that! You can’t be approaching customers. You have to contact corporate ahead of time and get their permission. Otherwise it looks like corporate is supporting what you are doing.”
Corporations working together covering each other’s asses as usual.