Sen. Colbeck
Last month, Michigan passed an anti-union so-called “right to work” law that will undermine collective bargaining rights by allowing workers to accept unionAi??representationAi??without paying union dues.
Electablog has obtained audio from an Americans for Prosperity event where Republican SenatorAi??Patrick Colbeck proudly boasts that right-wing billionaire Dick DeVos bankrolled the push for this anti-union law:
COLBECK: Various bills from the legislatorai??i??s perspective are kinda broken into two ingredients: air cover and ground cover. Air cover is financial backing and making sure that weai??i??ve got contributions so that theyai??i??ve got enough money to go off and get this group out.
So, air cover is critical andAi??I gotta tell ya, Dick DeVos and Ron Weiser are unsung heroes on this great work, that they were critical on the air cover element and getting us across ai??i?? and they also opened up doors, frankly, with rarefied air that even Mike didnai??i??t have access to and even I definitely didnai??i??t have access to.
“Itai??i??s amazing what Republican politicians will say to Tea Party activists when they think no one is listening,” said Progress Michigan executive director Zack Pohl in a statement. “This just confirms what weai??i??ve long suspected, that Gov. Snyderai??i??s so-called Right to Work bill was bought-and-paid for by billionaire CEO Dick DeVos. Itai??i??s time for politicians like Snyder and Colbeck to start protecting middle class families, not the special interests.”
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