Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
House Republicans have faced strong internal divisions over Hurricane Sandy, as northeastern Republicans have demanded quick relief to victims while much of the rest of the party has balked at the price tag.
Both the House and Senate passed a $9.7 billion relief package last week, but the House is expected to take on a larger $51 billion package next week. Appearing on Fox News, Rep. Trey Growdy (R-SC) cast doubt on the passage of the larger bill by saying that “at least half of it is pork”:
GROWDY: The bill we’re going to vote on January 15th? At least half of it [is pork.] […] Rooftops in the District of Columbia. At least half of what Harry Reid calls an “emergency” is pork. Frankly, Governor Christie wants to bully and berate and badger people into passing a bill no matter how pork-laden it is. Ai??[…] I don’t think it’s asking too much that we find an offset. […]
Watch it:
Recall that “rooftops” in Washington, D.C. are very much related to Hurricane Sandy — the nation’s capital city was directly in the path of the super storm.