George P. Bush
Last month, George Prescott Bush, the nephew of former president George W. Bush, announced that he had raised $1.3 million — before even deciding which office in Texas he wanted to run for.
While Bush has still not made up his mind about which office he wants to run for, a batch of elite lobbyists in Atlanta will be throwing him a fundraiser next Wednesday. We’ve exclusively obtained a fundraising invite to the event, which we uploaded below:
As you can see, hosts pitch in $1,000, while you can join the general reception for $250 or pay $500 for a photo with Bush.
The exploratory committee is notable for the presence of so many lobbyists. Here’s a few listed:
Rufus Montgomery: Montgomery, the Chairman of the fundraising event, is a prominent Georgian lobbyist, being the managing director of Government Affairs at Hall Booth Smith, P.C. Rufus “stays mum on the details of his lobbyist work,” but is known to represent Fortune 500 corporations, among others.Ai??ai???I fly under the radar,ai??? he told Georgia Trend Magazine, ai???but I derive a lot of satisfaction from influencing public Disclosures show he has held accounts with chemical lobbyists at the American Chemistry Council and with the for-profit online education company Edison, Inc.
Brad Carver: Carver is the senior managing directorAi??of Government Affairs at Hall Booth Smith, meaning that he is another Georgia lobbyist.
Jason Anivitarte: Anivitarte is the Atlanta lobbyist for health care giant Kaiser Permanente.
Brian Hudson: Hudson’s lobbying client list in Georgia includes anti-labor Home Depot, Time Warner, and Quick Click Loans, llc — a loan shark.
R.J. Briscione: Briscione is a lobbyist for health insurer Wellpoint.
Again, Bush has not even …