An AR-15
Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) released a new report today looking at mass shootings in the United States since 2009.
Highlighting the importance of looking at new gun regulations, the report finds that 28% of mass shootings since 2009 involved either high-capacity magazines or assault weapons. The report also notes that 9% of these mass shootingsAi??occurredAi??in schools (either primary, secondary, or college campuses).
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This study was for 25 states only. Shouldn’t your article mention that somewhere?
Let’s see that means almost three quarters 72% of the mas murders an assult weapon or high capacity magazine was not used.
An “assault weapon” is a meaningless term. More homicides were killed with hammers last year than with ANY rifle, regardless of whether they had the cosmetic features anti-gun propagandists refer to as “assault weapons” or not. Should we ban them and tell carpenters to use glue???