Last Friday, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced a non-binding amendment that sought to put the Senate on record opposing using “chained CPI” to calculate Social Security and Veterans’ benefits — which would cut benefits for both programs.
While Sanders had originally pushed for a voice vote, he was convinced by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) to back off of this demand and allow the amendment under a voice vote. The Senate then passed Sanders’s amendment, putting it on the record against chained CPI.
While the vote was non-binding, and the lack of a roll call vote means we are unable to see which Senators are in favor of chained CPI, it is an important victory that not enough Senators supported it to block Sanders’s amendment.
Most our law makers are taking care of those who take care of them.. The items which are cut are against the powerless.. Cut Foreign aid..the milk and ethanol subsidies..I have no other way of saying it BUT the whores (lawmakers) are working for their pimps (special interests)…not all but enough so NOTHING meaningful get passed…. It’s That Simple FOLKS!!