Today, 30 large corporations and their trade associations sent a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee concluding with the following request:

As business leaders, we consider comprehensive tax reform with a significant corporate tax rateAi??reduction to be a top priority for our companies and our country. Your efforts to date have made taxAi??reform in 2013 a possibility. We stand ready to support you in making it a reality.

Those who, like these corporations, support a cut in the corporate tax rate say that it is among the developed world’s highest. Indeed, on paper, the rate is 35 percent. But almost no corporations pay that rate, because they make use of deductions and loopholes to keep their taxes super low — or, in some cases, get more back from the Treasury than they give to it.

As an example, let’s look at the rates paid by some of the corporations who authored this letter:

These are just a few examples of these corporations already shirking their tax responsibilities — and actually getting a net benefit from the Treasury. It is unlikely that Americans will want to reduce their taxes further.

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