Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI)
Yesterday, progressive organizations representing tens of millions of people rallied outside the White House to present a petition signed by 2.3 million AmericansAi??calling on President Obama to back off of Chained CPI.
Freshman Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI) spoke at the event, and not only condemned chained CPI but vowed to vote against it.
POCAN: I am here to say that if we do any chained CPI to Social Security we will break our promise that we’ve made to our seniors and others who rely on Social Security. I will not support that. I will not vote for any bill that includes that.Ai??And I stand with the 2 million-plus people who say that here today.
Watch it:
Click here to tell President Obama you won’t stand for Social Security benefit cuts.
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Thank you Mr Pocan! You deserve our votes.
Any compromise on SS is undermines the commitment to those who have contributed to built this country. It would be a travesty!