Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA)
Yesterday, Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA)Ai??vowed to vote against chained CPI, issuing a statement saying, “While there is much in the Presidentai??i??s budget to admire, I strongly oppose chained CPI, and I will vote against these benefit cuts should they come before the House.”
That puts the number of Members of the House of Representatives who have vowed to vote against chained CPI at 35.
Good for you!
Thank you for your integrity in standing up for filling the social security pledge for seniors. Thousands of us are living on social security, and any cuts would seriously impact our already low standard of living. This takes courage, and I applaud you for it.
It is common knowledge that many Americans have woefully inadequate retirement savings and fewer workers have defined benefit pension plans from their employers. With wages depressed since the 1970’s and 1980’s, and the cost of a college education soaring, people simply do not earn the kind of money necessary to fund a retirement, especially given longer lifespans and the expense of long-term care which many will eventually need. Instead of cutting Social Security in any way, we will need to strengthen it so that it pays out a higher benefit for retirees in the future. Some people plan to work until they die, but from experience I can attest that such plans often do not work out. I had no plans to retire, but I was laid off from my job at the age of 64 and have been unable to find full-time employment since then. I suspect age is a factor, but many young people are struggling for decent paying work in this economy as well. How are those folks supposed to save for retirement? It is insanity for anyone to think that Social Security benefits should be cut. No! They must be increased, given the income inequality and the lack of jobs in the USA.
Thank you, Jared Huffman, for standing up for the rights of those who have worked hard all of their lives and deserve to live their retirement years with dignity.
The Elders in America paid their way; believed the country would be just and deserve to have this be the case. No social security or medicare cuts. No chained CPI