“After Republicans took over the House and there was talk of a Grand Bargain, Harry ReidAi??caught the Washington chattering class by surprise and attracted the affection of millions of Americans when he declared, ‘Leave Social Security alone.’ He has been one of the most stalwart protectors of Social Security, and it’s fitting that he announced his retirement hours after voting to expand Social Security benefits — the Warren-Manchin amendment.

“HarryAi??ReidAi??has been a strong fighter in the Senate for working families, standing against corrupt trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership, and we’re grateful he’ll be there for this important fight the next 22 months. Americans thank HarryAi??ReidAi??for his many years of hard work and his strong values.

“Fortunately, Senate Democrats have a great bench — an increasingly progressive bench with leadership on many issues.

“Last night, Elizabeth Warren led Senate Democrats to near unanimity around the need to expand Social Security benefits, and she led them to unanimity on her bill to reduce student loan interest rates. Her lifetime of fighting for the little guy against Wall Street power — including her upset victory on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — shows she can think big, wage tough fights against powerful interests, and win key votes in the Senate. She’s the definition of a leader, and that’s why her colleagues and millions of Americans respect her and are inspired by her rise. There will likely not be a coronation to replace HarryAi??ReidAi??as Senate Democratic Leader, and Elizabeth Warren is right up there with others as someone who would be taken very seriously.”

— The Progressive Change Campaign CommitteeAi??

Contact TJ Helmstetter, director of media relations.