Constituents are looking for candidates to bring progressive power to every political level — local, state and federal. This role requires boldness and commitment to fight for the issues that directly impact — and improve — the lives of voters.

You will directly report to them!

Responsibilities for all candidates include:

Being Visible – Get out there! Talk to voters, plan appearances, attend forums and house parties. Donai??i??t just stand around waiting to be invited to events and activities. Read community calendars and make your own calendar of events. Invite yourself to high schools to talk about the process of running for office and to senior centers for a listening hour. Ask a local business if you can tour and learn more about what they need from government. In a big campaign, youai??i??ll hire a scheduler to do this for you. If you donai??i??t have a big team, see if a friend or volunteer will help.

Asking for Money – Even if you have a shoestring budget, you still need money to compete. You are the best person to ask supporters for money. Ask everyone you meet. Most people will be excited to support your campaign. Candor is key. Tell them specifically why you need their support — ai???Iai??i??m raising $250 to pay for a mailing letting voters know about my strong record on

Trusting Your Team – When you hire a team with expertise, make sure you listen to them. Seek out diverse viewpoints. Listen humbly and show you value their counsel. No matter how much experience you have, you can always learn something new.

Owning the Message – You set the message for your campaign. Our Running for Office guide includes tips on how to develop your message. You should make sure your message is reflected in your stump speech, and all your paid communications. At the end of the day, remember that itai??i??s your name on the campaign — make sure it stands for your values!

Making News – Drive the news! Feeling under fire from corporate attack ads? Take control of the news cycle by holding an event about your issues and talk about them and what you are prepared to do, once elected. As the saying goes, ai???You canai??i??t control what your opponent does; you can only control what you candidates will:

  • Work hard and effectively. Ensure you (and your team) are making the most of your time — for example, you can call potential donors as you drive from one event to another. Delegate tasks (do not micromanage!) and let no time go wasted.
  • Stay focused. Avoid the temptation to change your strategy or message based on your opponentai??i??s actions. Continue to discuss your plan for the future and listen to your constituency — not the noise!
  • Always tell the truth. Yes, politics can be a messy business, but it doesnai??i??t require you to compromise your morals or ethics. Avoid public skirmishes and stick to the facts — it will be far better in the long run.
  • Ask for help and accept it graciously. You cannot do it alone! Even the smallest campaigns have ai???kitchen cabinetsai??? to coordinate fundraising and field efforts. Reach out early to family, friends, and colleagues for support and treat them well — they will be your strongest cheerleaders.
  • Be humble and kind. Treat everyone with the same respect and courtesy. Your staff, donors and volunteers all matter. You need to keep earning their support, every day.