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Republican Congressman Frank Guinta’s Solution To Global Warming: More Oil Drilling

Rep. Frank Guinta (R-NH)

In a debate with his bold progressive opponent Carol Shea-Porter on Friday, Republican congressman Frank Guinta (NH) had a novel solution to global warming: drill for more dirty fuels:

MODERATOR: Are you concerned about greenhouse gases and climate change? If so, what specific action would you take to stem greenhouse gas use. If not, do you feel you’re gambling with our future? […]

GUINTA: One of the bills that I authored and co-sponsored was an “all of the above energy policy.” I think with 19 million barrels of oil that we use today in America, and with seven million production I think we can both increase exploration and production and we can reduce usage through smart conservation programs. […] I think you can have greater exploration of fossil fuels and natural gas.

Watch it (the relevant comments begin about a minute in):

Other than a token reference to conservation, Guinta doesn’t seem to have any solution other than to increase oil drilling.

Needless to say, drilling for more oil isn’t going to resolve our environmental problems. But it is a way for Guinta to fund-raise from the dirty fuels industry. He’s gotten $5,000 each from the Political Action Committees of Koch Industries and Exxon Mobil. He not only wants to give the industry expanded drilling, but he also supports $7 billion in oil subsidies every year.

In the past, Guinta actually has gone even further than most of his Republican colleagues in brandishing his anti-environmental stands on behalf of the oil industry. He once called for abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency altogether.

We don’t need any more lackeys for Big Oil in Congress. Click here to sign up to make calls for Guinta’s opponent, Carol Shea-Porter.

How Scott Brown Sold Out Fair Pay For Women For Lobbyist Cash

Last June, Senate Republicans filibusteredAi??and killed the Paycheck Fairness Act, which was designed to make sure women can get equal pay for equal work at their jobs.

One of the Senators who joined this filibuster effort was Scott Brown (MA). Brown — who, remember, is running misleading commercials claiming he is a friend to women voters — told the mediaAi??the bill would’ve placed “job-killing burdens on small businesses.”

But what the media didn’t report was that many of the same Big Business front groups and lobbyists that battled the bill behind the scenes have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to re-elect Brown since he helped kill fair pay for women.

In the days leading up to the Senate vote for the bill, corporate lobbyists from groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) lined up to oppose it. One group, theAi??Society for Human Resource Management, mobilized human resources officers at corporate firms to lobby senators to kill the bill.

The resulting filibuster ended up killing the bill, in a blow to women everywhere who are discriminated against in the workplace. But as is often the case in Washington, the vote was just the beginning. The payoff was what senators like Brown were waiting for.

Before the vote, Brown received $238,028 from interests opposed to the bill. But in his campaign against bold progressive Elizabeth Warren, the real payday arrived. Two weeks ago, Norquist’s ATR dropped $162,000 on mailers attacking Warren on behalf of Brown.

Last week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — which has in the past been caught taking funding from overseas corporations like the state-owned Bahrain Petroleum Company — spent $300,000 to hire Meridian Strategies, …

Pro-Outsourcing Groups Donate Big To Republican Linda Lingle, She Praises ‘Free Trade’

Hawaii Republican Senate candidate Linda Lingle

So-called “free trade” agreements — which drop trade barriers that harm the middle class but which protect well-connected corporations — are increasingly unpopular with the American public. A 2010 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 69 percent of Americans believe these agreements cost American jobs and only 18 percent think they create jobs.

But Hawaii Republican Senate candidate Linda Lingle attacked her bold progressive Democratic opponent Mazie Hirono for opposing one of these agreements in a debate last month. Here’s what Lingle said:

“My opponent doesn’t really understand the nature of being globally competitive. She was the only member of the Hawaii delegation that voted against the free trade agreement with South Korea. That made no sense for the people of Hawaii,” said Lingle.

Why would Lingle be boasting of supporting free trade agreements — such as the Korea agreement, which is estimated to cost 159,000 U.S. jobs in the first seven years — that are very unpopular with the public? Because maybe she’s not talking to constituents — she’s talking to out-of-state corporations, lobbyists, and other big donors.

One of the groups that most strongly pushed for the South Korea trade agreement was the Automotive Free International Trade Political Action Committee (AFITPAC), which is funded by certain auto dealers that benefited from the agreement. AFITPAC gave $10,000 to Lingle’s campaign. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the powerful corporate front group that spearheaded the push for the North American Free Trade Agreement in the 1990’s, gave her $11,250. Her very top donor is megabank Goldman Sachs, which also lobbied for the Korea trade agreement.

End the cycle of pay-to-play. Click here to chip in a few dollars to Lingle’s opponent, bold progressive Mazie Hirono.

VIDEO: Republican Congressman Mike Coffman Admits He Wants To Cut Social Security

Many lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats, are coy about their desire to cut Social Security. But Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) — who has in the past called it a “Ponzi Scheme” — is very upfront about his desire to cut the program.

In a debate on Friday with his Democratic opponent Joe Miklosi, Coffman admitted that he wants to cut Social Security by raising the retirement age to 70:

COFFMAN: And on Social Security I do think for people below age 55, we’re gonna have to phase that up gradually to age 70.

Watch it (the relevant comments are at 12:50):

Raising the retirement age would not only amount to a large reduction in benefits, but it would disproportionately hurt working-class people. White collar workers — like, say, Members of Congress like Coffman — have had remarkable gains in life expectancy in recent decades. But blue-collar workers are barely living longer at all.

We don’t have to let Coffman cut our Social Security. Click here to chip in a few dollars to his opponent, Joe Miklosi.

Billionaire Mayor Who Crushed Occupy Wall Street Lashes Out At Elizabeth Warren

New York City’s billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg last year shocked the world when he ignored a court order and moved to crush the nascent Occupy Wall Street movement. He famously deployed the New York Police Department to jettison protesters from Zuccotti Park, whose owners paid his girlfriend $109,954 in 2009.

Bloomberg is apparently not done with attacking the 99 percent. He has launched a new Super PAC to boost candidates who share his plutocratic vision for America. In an interview with the New York Times, Bloomberg threw his support to embattled incumbent Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) while absurdly invoking the Soviet Union to blast his bold progressive challenger Elizabeth Warren:

In the Senate, Scott Brown, who single-handedly stopped the right-to-carry bill. You can question whether heai??i??s too conservative. You can question, in my mind, whether sheai??i??s Godai??i??s gift to regulation, close the banks and get rid of corporate profits, and weai??i??d all bring socialism back, or the U.S.S.R.

It’s unlikely that Bloomberg is truly fearful that Warren will unleash Communism on America. Rather, Bloomberg has been one of Wall Street’s biggest defenders. In 2011, he famously claimed that it wasn’t “the banks that created the mortgage crisis.” The banks, of course, are all against Warren, and half of Brown’s top twenty donors come from the financial industry.

It’s sad that, torn between his desire to defend Wall Street and to desperately seek attention in light of his own failed national aspirations, Bloomberg would engage in such extreme rhetoric to smear Warren.

Stand up to billionaires and their Super PACs. Click here to sign up to make calls to voters for Elizabeth Warren.

Republican Congressman Frank Guinta Says Hospitals Should Be Able To Turn Away The Uninsured

Rep. Frank Guinta (R-NH)

In 2009, bold progressive Alan Grayson famously made headlines when he mocked Republicans by saying their health care plan consists of “Don’t get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly.”

New Hampshire Republican congressman Frank Guinta — who is locked in a heated re-election battle with bold progressive Carol Shea-Porter — is apparently determined on making that plan a reality.

At a recent debate recorded by ThinkProgress’s Scott Keyes, Guinta told a moderator that it “shouldn’t be the case,” that 25 year-olds without insurance can get health care at the emergency room:

MODERATOR: Iai??i??m 25 years old. Thereai??i??s no mandate for me to purchase insurance. The emergency room at Memorial Hospital by law must treat me when I walk in the door, whether I have any money, whether I have any intent to pay or not, I have to be treated. Isnai??i??t it a good Republican principle to say everybody ought to pay for their own medical insurance if weai??i??re going to require hospitals to treat them? […]

GUINTA: If you guy purchase a good or service, youai??i??re supposed to pay for it. Yes, if you are 25 years old and you are choosing not to purchase insurance with the expectation of trying to get it free from the ER at Memorial, that shouldnai??i??t be the case. But for those people who are in a situation who truly canai??i??t afford health insurance, those are the people that we really want to focus on and figure out how to provide them care.

Watch it:

Don’t let Guinta succeed in his nihilist health care agenda. Chip in a few dollars to his opponent Carol Shea-Porter.

Why They Strike: Under-Paid Wal-Mart Workers Are Sleeping In Tents, Foreclosed Homes

Paying decent wages would actually cost Wal-Mart and its shoppers next to nothing. So why don’t they do it?

Wal-Mart is facing some of the most aggressive labor action’s in the company’s history, as it has been hit with a wave of walk-outs and many workers are threatening to walk offthe job on the busiest day of the year, Black Friday.

Wal-Mart claims that it pays its workers well, despite the fact that its CEO earns 1,167 times as much as an average worker at the company and its workers earn “12.4% less than retail workers as a whole and 13% less than large retail workers in general.”

Over at The Guardian, Paul Harris reports on the sad state of workers at a Wal-Mart warehouse in Elwood, Illinois, the site of some of the first strikes. Harris interviews one worker who says some employees have resorted to sleeping in tents to get by, while others slept in abandoned homes:

Phillip Bailey knows there are people worse off than him working inside the gigantic WalmartAi??warehouse that dominates the small town of Elwood in rural Illinois.

He sleeps at a Catholic hostel in nearby Joliet and so has a solid roof over his head after a day of helping the endless flow of consumer goods supplying Walmart stores across America. Not all his colleagues can say that. One squatted in abandoned houses. Another lived rough in the woods in between work shifts. “He just set up a tent in there for a few weeks,” Bailey said.

This is not the sign of a company that treats its workers well.

We’ll continue to keep you updated on the historic labor actions that are holding Wal-Mart accountable.

Woman Featured In Scott Brown Ad Doesn’t Support Him: ‘He Tried To Exploit My Presence.’

This woman is outraged at being featured in Scott Brown’s ad that is trying to appeal to women.

Here’s the latest critical misstep by Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) in his re-election campaign.

In a new ad that is supposed to appeal to women, Brown is seen smiling and talking to a woman on the street. Watch it:

Here’s the problem. That woman, Carol Gorman, doesn’t support Brown. In fact, she’s outraged that he featured her in the ad even though she made clear she doesn’t support him. “He tried to exploit my presence. He knew what my position was. And yet he chose to put that on TV, to put me on TV as a supporter,” Gorman said.

Watch Gorman’s interview with a local news station:

This is only the latest campaign snafu by Brown. Earlier this week, he offensively suggested that family members of asbestos victims in Elizabeth Warren’s campaign commercials were actors.

Hold Brown accountable. Click here to sign up to make calls for his bold progressive opponent Elizabeth Warren.

JPMorgan CEO Dimon: Cut My Bank’s Tax Rate And Gut Social Security And The Economy Will Boom!

If there’s one group of people that love the Simpson-Bowles plan to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits while lowering the corporate tax rate, it’s billionaires and corporate CEO’s.

Take JPMorgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon. He told a recent meeting of Washington elites at the Council on Foreign Relations that the economy “would be booming” if President Obama had enacted the Simpson-Bowles plan.

Recall that the Simpson-Bowles plan would reduce corporate tax rates to 26 percent. As Nobel economist Paul Krugman notes, there is a “complete absence of evidence” that doing this would grow the economy in any way. And hiking the Social Security retirement age, as Simpson-Bowles suggests, would make it more difficult for those 65 and over to get jobs due to age discrimination, and wouldn’t have the positive effect of opening up more employment that lowering the age would.

Dimon should just be honest. He likes the Simpson-Bowles plan because it would reduce his megabank’s tax rate even further, and would cut important social insurance programs in a way that would allow banks and other corporations to step in and offer private services that are much more expensive. The public should not be fooled.

VIDEO: Tim Kaine Rejects The Simpson-Bowles Plan To Cut Social Security

Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles want to cut your Social Security and Medicare benefits. They’ve assembled a $30 million warchest and have promised lawmakers that support their austerity plan will get “financial support.”

But Virginia Democratic Senate candidate Tim Kaine dealt a blow to their hopes last night during his debate with his Republican opponent George Allen. Both Allen and Kaine rejected the plan “as is,” and Kaine went further by specifically stating that he would not support its changes to Social Security because “it isn’t contributing to the deficit.” Watch it:

Remember, Social Security is not going broke. It is fully funded through 2037, and it would be solvent for many decades into the future past that if we simply raised the payroll tax cap and required wealthier Americans to pay a tiny fraction of their income more into the system.

We need more lawmakers in office to reject any cuts to Medicare and Social Security benefits. Click here to make phone calls for our endorsed candidates like Alan Grayson and Elizabeth Warren who have pledged to reject any cuts to these vital programs.

Foreign-Funded Corporate Front Group Launches Attack On Elizabeth Warren

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is America’s most powerful corporate front group. It is bankrolled by powerful corporations here in the United States and by foreign entities like the Bahrain Petroleum Company, which is owned by the dictatorship of that oil-rich country.

It just dropped a mailer inAi??Massachusetts claiming that the “Warren Agenda Threatens Families and Businesses.” The mailer also features a claimAi??Ai??from Matt Bennett, an official at the Third Way think tank, that calls Warren’s message “catastrophically antibusiness”:

Voters should not be fooled by this deceptive mailer. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce does not reveal its donors, but we know that it is funded by big banks like Citigroup and and New York Private Bank & Trust that want to see Warren taken down. Its true fear is not that Warren is against American businesses, but that she wants to hold powerful corporations — like bailed out Wall Street banks — accountable to the American public.

The quote from Bennett identifies him as working for a “centrist Democratic group,” but the reality is that his organization Third Way, like the Chamber of Commerce, serves as a conduit for corporate America. Third Way’s Board of Trustees is largely composed of hedge fund managers and bankers, and like the Chamber, it does not openly disclose its donors.

The way to stop organized money represented by corporate front groups like the Chamber and Third Way is with organized people. Click here to sign up to make calls for Warren and help her win her race.

VIDEO: Tommy Thompson Lies, Claims He Never Signed Pledge To Lobbyist Grover Norquist

Tommy Thompson’s health “reforms” are ones we already have.

Last night, bold progressive Tammy Baldwin and Tommy Thompson held a debate over the race for Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate seat. At one point, Baldwin called out Thompson for signing a pledge that he would never vote for a tax increase ai??i?? even on the wealthiest Americans and corporations.

Thompson responded by saying “that’s just a falsehood” and denied ever signing the pledge. Watch it:

The pledge being referenced is Washington lobbyist Grover Norquist’s so-called “Taxpayer Protection Pledge,” which he uses his organization Americans for Tax Reform to enforce (ATR).

Here’s a page from ATR’s website boasting that Thompson had signed the pledge, one that even his tea party primary opponent Eric Hovde had refused to sign.

A quick tip for Thompson: stop deceiving voters about your record. A few days ago, Thompson claimed to not even remember a speech he gave where he said that as a state legislator he would adopt legislation from corporate front group ALEC word for word. Lies like that just aren’t going to withstand scrutiny.

Send Thompson a message. Click here to pitch in a few dollars to support Baldwin.


Mitt Romney Announces ‘Military Advisory Council’ That Is Packed With Defense Contractors

(Photo credit: Flickr user Adam Glanzman)

Today, Mitt Romney announced a “Military Advisory Council” of retired military officers who support his campaign.Ai??ai???I am deeply honored to have the support of so many of our most accomplished military leaders,ai??? said Romney during the announcement.

While many of those on the Council are clearly decorated veterans, one curious aspect of the list is how many of these military figures left the government only to become highly paid consultants and board members to major weapons makers. Given that Romney wants to increase the military budget by $2 trillion, these military officials who later became part of the defense industry have a monetary incentive to back Romney that has nothing to do with whether they approve of his wider foreign policy philosophy or not.

Here’s a list of some members of the Military Advisory Council who are also profiting from the defense industry:

Retired General James Conway: Conway is a retired four-star general. Last year, he was named to the Board of Directors of Textron, which manufactures helicopters and other aircraft and products for the military.
Retired Navy Admiral James B. Busey: Busey served in the Navy until 1989. After leaving the federal government in 1992, he joined the Board of Directors of defense contractor Curtiss-Wright and left in 2008.
Retired former commander of United States Strategic Command James O. Ellis:Ai??After serving his country, Ellis decided to make a fortune by working for the defense industry. He serves in the leadership of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations and also has a board position at Lockheed Martin.
Retired Air Force General Ronald Fogleman:Ai??Fogleman serves on the boards ofAi??Alliant Techsystems,Ai??AAR Corporation,Ai??Mesa Air Group, Inc., andAi??

Ed Rendell Adopts Right-Wing Talking Points To Justify Cutting Social Security And Medicare

Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (D) has a reputation of being a champion for the middle class. But since he left his position as governor, he’s decided to sell himself out to various shady causes that are willing to pay big for his advocacy. For example, he became a paid speaker for the MEK, an Iranian cult group that waged a sophisticated campaign to get de-listed from the U.S. Terrorism group list, despite its past violence against Americans and others.

His latest sellout involves Social Security and Medicare. He has joined the “Fix The Debt” campaign, a $30 million effort designed to implement the Simpson Bowles plan to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits while lowering corporate taxes.

Here’s what he said on NPR today about how he wants to cut Social Security and Medicare:

RENDELL: But what the president should’ve said I think and what I hope he says before the campaigns over is look the mostAi??importantAi??thing we’ve gotta do is fix the debt…and I intend to do that. Look at entitlement programs, because look, when Social Security and Medicare were passed, people were living average life expectancy of 67, 68, now it’s 79 and a half years, and they weren’t meant to cover that much time, so we’ve got to restructure.

First of all, Social Security is completely unrelated to the debt. The program funds itself and is fully funded going out to 2037. After that, if we simply raise the payroll tax cap, it will be funded far out into the future. By conflating Social Security with the debt issue, Rendell is being simply dishonest.

Second of all, the numbers he’s citing about life expectancy are misleading. It’s true that there have been strong gains in life expectancy for some …

Republican Charlie Bass Defends Radical, Pro-Apartheid Former New Hampshire Governor

Charlie Bass is hitching his wagon to the legacy of a radical, pro-apartheid former New Hampshire governor.

Rep. Charlie Bass (R-NH) — who is facing a strong challenge from bold progressive Annie Kuster — will do anything to distract from his votes to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits by supporting the radical Simpson-Bowles plan or his support from the even more radical Paul Ryan plan to end Medicare.

A few weeks ago, Kuster jokingly referred to the late former New Hampshire governor Mel Thomson as a “worm.” Bass has tried to exploit this off-hand comment, holding a press conference with Thomson’s two sons praising him for eliminating the state’s income tax.

But by focusing solely on the income tax issue, Bass is ignoring the radicalism that Thomson represented. Here are some of the worst things that Thomson did as governor:

Defended Apartheid: Thomson actually flew to South Africa and praised the Apartheid system there. He even called the black township of Soweto — the site of bloody massacres — as “just wonderful.” His trip to South Africa earned the rebuke of fourteen of New Hampshire’s top religious leaders.
Attacked Gay Rights: Thomson threatened the veto the entire budget of the University of New Hampshire after some gay students performed a play there.
Advocated For Nuclear Insanity: Thomson actually wanted to give the National Guard nuclear weapons. He was so opposed to the anti-nuclear movement that he dressed in military fatigues and personally had over 1,400 anti-nuke protesters arrested during a demonstration in Seabrook, New Hampshire.

As Kuster said, Thomson “represented a radical shift in our state’s politics and was the beginning of the end for Republican moderates in the state of New Hampshire.” If Bass wants to proudly defend the legacy of …

Scott Brown Offensively Suggests Widows Of Asbestos Victims In Warren Ads Were Actors

Today, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) sunk to a new low when he suggested at a campaign stop that the family members of asbestos victims who were in a campaign commercial for Elizabeth Warren were actually paid actors:

During a question and answer session, one firefighter commented that both campaigns are publishing advertisements featuring family members of victims of asbestos-related illness. He asked Brown how Warren gets the victims’ family members to go on her commercial.

“A lot of them are paid,” Brown said. “We hear that maybe they pay actors. Listen, you can get surrogates and go out and say your thing. We have regular people in our commercials. No one is paid. They are regular folks that reach out to us and say she is full of it.”

This untrue and offensive accusation triggered a sharp rebuke from one of the women in the ads, widow Ginny Jackson, whose husband died ofAi??mesothelioma after working at a shipyard that contained asbestos. Watch Jackson tell her story in Warren’s campaign ad:


“What Scott Brown said today is so offensive to me and my family after what we went through,” Jackson said. “He’s sunk to a new low.”

Hold Brown accountable. Click here to sign up to make calls for his bold progressive opponent Elizabeth Warren.

UPDATE: Brown has apologized:Ai??”It was wrong for me to have jumped to those conclusions and I apologize to those I offended.”

VIDEO: Tommy Thompson Plays Dumb, Pretends He Doesn’t Remember His Servitude To ALEC

Tommy Thompson’s health “reforms” are ones we already have.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a powerful corporate-funded group that works to secretly pass Big Business-friendly legislation in state legislatures around the country. It is the same group that is responsible for the proliferation of voter suppression and “Shoot First” laws.

Here’s how powerful the group is. Former Wisconsin governor and state legislator Tommy Thompson — who’s currently running for a Senate seat in the state — once told an ALEC conference that he’d “loved going to these meetings because I always found new ideas. Then Iai??i??d take them back to Wisconsin, disguise them a little bit, and declare that ai???Itai??i??s mine.” With that sentence Thompson basically admitted that he’d take corporate-written ALEC bills and work to pass them without anyone ever knowing their origin.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s watchdog blogger Dan Bice recently attended a Thompson campaign event and asked him about his remarks about ALEC. Thompson, clearly not knowing how to answer, shook his head and claimed he didn’t remember the words. Watch it:

It’s shameful that Thompson is refusing to talk about his servitude to ALEC and its corporate agenda. The voters of Wisconsin need a senator who will be honest about where the legislation he or she is advocating for comes from.

ALEC doesn’t need its own Senator. Click here to sign up to make calls for his bold progressive opponent Tammy Baldwin.


Mysterious Super PAC Attacking Elizabeth Warren Almost Entirely Funded By Koch Company

Help defend Warren against the Super PAC attacking her. Sign up to make calls for her.

Last week, we told you about America 360, a mysterious Super PAC that is being staffed by a former employee of Sen. Scott Brown’s (R-MA) campaign. America 360 is taking aim at Elizabeth Warren, and so far had not disclosed its major donors.

Now, numbers have just been released that show the PAC’s major donors. We now know that the America 360 Super PAC is being funded almost entirely by a Koch company, and that it’s targeting Elizabeth Warren, an opponent of oil subsidies that help enrich the Kochs.

Here’s the scoop from Adam Smith of Public Campaign:

AAi??new reportAi??filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) shows that a pro-Scott Brown super PAC is funded almost entirely by Oxbow Carbon, the company controlled by William Koch, the lesser-known brother of Charles and David Koch. The group, America 360,Ai??recently spentAi??$200,000 on mailers in the Massachusetts Senate race to benefit Sen. Brown.

Mr. Koch donated $500,000 to the group in September through his Oxbow Carbon LLC. Former top Goldman Sachs executive Muneer Satter and Boston real estate developer Paul Robert Marcus each donated $25,000.

Note that one of the other major donors to the Super PAC is the Goldman Sachs executive Muneer Satter. Warren isn’t just a foe of oil subsidies — she’s probably the top opponent of Big Banks running for a Senate seat in November. That’s why nearly half of her opponent Scott Brown’s campaign funds are coming from the financial industry.

Don’t let Super PACs win this race for Brown. Click here to sign up to make calls for Elizabeth Warren and other bold progressive candidates.

Corporate Front Group That Spearheaded Outsourcing Policy Endorses Tommy Thompson

Tommy Thompson’s health “reforms” are ones we already have.

The Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel has an odd headlineit just published about the Wisconsin Senate race: “Thompson wins business support, criticizes Baldwin on jobs record.” The “business” group that article is referring to is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a powerful corporate front group based in Washington, D.C.

It’s ironic that Thompson would tout its support while criticizing Baldwin’s record on jobs. The Chamber has been responsible for pioneering the political push for every “free trade” agreement and tax break for outsourcing that’s out there. Here’s a small rundown:

The Chamber Pushed For And Celebrated NAFTA: The Chamber spearheaded the push for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), saying that it would help the U.S. “stay competitive” with Europe and Asia. It later celebrated the agreement during its fifteenth anniversary, saying it has had “remarkable results.” In 2005, the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute estimated that Wisconsin was one of the ten states hit hardest by NAFTA, and lost at least 25,000 jobs as a result of the agreement.
The Chamber Led The Charge For New “Free Trade” Agreements With Panama, Colombia, And South Korea: The Chamber’s lobbyists were on the front lines of fighting for these job-killing trade deals, and one of its staffers even argued that even though Colombia has more assassinations of union leaders than the rest of the world combined, that it’s a safe country for labor.
The Chamber Defends Tax Breaks For Outsourcing: Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) introduced a bill to kill tax breaks for moving investment overseas — and to introduce a tax credit to entice companies to bring jobs back to the U.S. –but the Chamber opposed it, and it was killed by …

Here’s Proof That Mitt Romney Does Believe Government Creates Jobs

An image from a Romney ad.

Last night, during the presidential debates, Mitt Romney responded to Barack Obama talking about government investment in the economy by mocking the idea that “government creates jobs”:



OBAMA: And when we talk about deficits, if we’re adding to our deficit for tax cuts for folks who don’t need them and we’re cutting investments in research and science that will create the next Apple, create the next new innovation that will sell products around the world, we will lose that race. If we’re not training engineers to make sure that they are equipped here in this country, then companies won’t come here. Those investments are what’s going to help to make sure that we continue to lead this world economy not just next year, but 10 years from now, 50 years from now, a hundred years from now.

MS. CROWLEY:Ai??Thanks, Mr. President.

Governor Romney ai??i??

MR. ROMNEY:Ai??Government does not create jobs. Government does not create jobs. (Chuckles.)

Watch it:

Later in the debate, Obama failed to defend the notion that government creates jobs. He replied, ” I think a lot of this campaign, maybe over the last four years, has been devoted to this notion that I think government creates jobs, that that somehow is the answer. That’s not what I believe.”

But it’s very easy to defend the idea that government creates jobs. Just turn to one of its proponents — Mitt Romney. Here’s an ad he’s running in Virginia. It claims that Obama’s defense cuts — actually defense cuts caused by possible sequestration that Republicans themselves helped bring on — “threaten over 130,000 jobs”:

The only way that defense cuts can threaten jobs is if government creates jobs. Mitt Romney is clearly being hypocritical, and he knows as well as anyone else …

Social Security Foes Bowles And Simpson Endorse Second Republican, Brendan Doherty

Alan Simpson is gunning for your Social Security.

Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson — who have aAi??$30 million campaign behind them — have enlisted the help of a Goldman Sachs adviser to say they will give “financial support” to any Member of Congress who will endorse their plan to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits.

They first announced their support for Rep. Charlie Bass (R-NH), who is facing a strong challenge from bold progressive Annie Kuster.

Today, they threw a second endorsement behind Rhode IslandAi??Republican Congressional candidate Brendan Doherty, who is running against Rep. DavidAi??Cicilline.

The key provisions of the Simpson-Bowles plan — a hike in the Social Security age, an outline of cuts to Medicare benefits — are extremely unpopular with the public and the House rejected the plan along a 382-38 vote.

The endorsement from Bowles and Simpson should only serve to identify Doherty as an extreme right-winger willing to cut Social Security and Medicare while lowering corporate taxes.

Republican Congressman Frank Guinta Says War In Afghanistan Should Continue Beyond 2014

In Guinta’s mind, thirteen years of the war in Afghanistan isn’t enough.

We’re approaching the eleventh anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, a war which 2/3 of Americans believe should be ended and which costs American taxpayers more than $100 billion a year (a single person makingAi??$40,000 in 2010 basically paid $1,694 to finance the war effort).

President Obama has set a timetable to end Afghan operations in 2014, which means it would have been a thirteen year-long conflict — America’s longest war. That’s a timeline many in his own party think is dragging the war out too long.

But Republican congressman Frank Guinta (NH) — who’s facing a strong challenge from bold progressive Carol Shea-Porter — thinks that the war should continue on even longer:

1st District congressman Frank Guinta predicted Monday that there will need to be some American troop presence in Afghanistan even after the planned 2014 timeline for withdrawal.

ai???Regardless of party affiliation, you will see a group of our warriors in that region for a long time to ensure the different sorts of terrorist networks arenai??i??t allowed to regroup,ai??? Guinta said.

President Obamaai??i??s announced deadline to bring all troops home compromised the U.S. goal ai???to win,ai??? said the Republican first-term congressman.

ai???Your enemy and your opponent understands you are there to win. A timeline and a deadline undermines that goal,ai??? Guinta said at a forum at New England College.

Guinta is sorely out of step with American public opinion and even many in his own party who believe that the war should come to a resolution quickly.

Don’t let Guinta stay in Congress and advocate for a forever war in Afghanistan. Chip in a few dollars to help Carol Shea-Porter’s campaign.

VIDEO: Congresswoman Says She Opposes Wealth Redistribution, But Supports Huge Farm Subsidies

Join PCCC’s Take Back Democracy campaign.

Republican politicians often rail against what they term the “redistribution of wealth.” But when you ask them about government spending that they approve of, they quickly change their minds.

Take this interview with Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL). The congresswoman recently sat down for an interview with Jan Helfield. Helfield asked Roby about how she opposes wealth redistribution by the government. But then Helfield asked her if she supports farm subsidies, which are a massive wealth redistribution program.

Helfield quickly got nervous, and said, “No, I actually think there is a safety net that is appropriate for our farmers.” Helfield asked how these subsidies are not a form of redistribution, and the congresswoman was unable to offer an explanation. Eventually, she simply said she had to leave and got up and left.

Watch it:

The second-largest share of Roby’s campaign funds come from the agricultural industry (almost all of it from lobbyist-run Political Action Committees, as opposed to individuals).

Apparently when progressives try to help the poor and middle class, it’s wealth redistribution. When citizens are taxed to give money to giant corporate farms, it’s A-OK — as long as they finance your campaign.

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The Presidential Debate Commission Is Chaired By Corporate Lobbyists, Funded By Corporations

(Photo credit: Flickr user DonkeyHotey)

Americans have faith in the presidential debates to be wide-ranging discussions that probe the candidates’ views and hold them accountable to the public. And for much of recent history, that’s what these debates were. From 1976 to 1984, the League of Women Voters held debates renowned for their fiercely independent moderators and transparent process.

But in more recent years, the debates have been held by an organization called the “Commission on Presidential Debates,” (CPD) which tightly controls the process by choosing moderators and questions.

Here’s one little known fact about the CPD — it’s chaired by corporate lobbyists. One of the chairmen isAi??Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr., who was once a Republican National Convention chairman but now works as a gambling industry lobbyist. The other chairman is Michael D. McCurry, who is a former press secretary for Bill Clinton. He now works as a “partner at Public Strategies Washington, Inc., where he provides counsel on communications strategies and management to corporate and non-profit clients.” Given the loopholes in our lobbying laws, McCurry doesn’t even have to disclose his clients, but we do know that in 2006 he spearheaded the Hands Off The Internet campaign that was designed to kill net neutrality on behalf of big telecom companies.

Every year, CPD also opens up the debates to corporate sponsors. Here’s the list of this year’s sponsors:

Anheuser-Busch Companies
The Howard G. Buffett Foundation
Sheldon S. Cohen, Esq.
Crowell & Moring LLP
International Bottled Water Association (IBWA)
The Kovler Fund
Southwest Airlines

With a sponsorship list like that, don’t be surprised if we don’t see questions critical of the industries listed. But this year’s list is relatively tame. In the past, theAi??tobaccoAi??industry, AT&T, and others have all been sponsors.

Here’s one last interesting tidbit about the debates. …

Study Finds That Paul Ryan’s Plan To Privatize Medicare Hurts Florida Seniors The Most

What we really need.

Florida’s a crucial swing state that presidential candidates go out of their way to woo. So expect political shockwaves from Ai??new studyAi??by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation that shows that Florida’s seniors would be devastated by Paul Ryan’s plan to privatize Medicare.

The study finds that Florida’s seniors would actually be hit the worst out of seniors in any state by the increase in costs associated with Ryan’s plan. Kaiser estimates that 77 percent of seniors would have to pay $200 or more per month in order to afford health care if Ryan’s Medicare voucher scheme were to be enacted. The study also estimates that 89 percent of Floridans would be subject to at least $50 more in premiums each month.

Help us hold Paul Ryan accountable. Click here to chip in a few dollars for his Democratic opponent Rob Zerban.