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Press Coverage

NATIONAL JOURNAL: PCCC Hits Walker With $30K Madison Buy

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is hitting Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker on day one of the recall general election campaign with a TV ad featuring protesters explaining the need for the governor to be recalled.

SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE: Dueling national endorsements

On Friday, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee endorsed Saldaña, calling her “a bold progressive fighter who will be a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren in Congress.” This is the nearly million-member group’s first California endorsement of the 2012 cycle. Meanwhile, Peters recently secured the support of the New Democrat Coalition.

ABC NEWS: PCCC Endorses In CA House Primary

Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founders Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor email: “Today, we are proud to endorse Lori Saldaña for Congress in California’s 52nd district. She is a bold progressive fighter who will be a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren in Congress.”

POLITICO: California House – PCCC Jumping Into Dem Primary For Saldana

Progressive Change Campaign Committee will endorse three-term state Assembly member Lori Saldaña in the Democratic primary for California’s 52nd district today. They call her “a bold progressive fighter who will be a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren in Congress.” This is the PCCC’s first California endorsement of the 2012 cycle.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: Progressives To Announce California Congressional Endorsement Today

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) will announce later today that they will be endorsing former California state Rep. Lori Saldaña in for Congress in California’s 52’s district, who is running in a Democratic primary against San Diego city councilman Scott Peters for a newly redistricted seat currently held by Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA). The PCCC has been involved in putting up more liberal challengers to Blue Dog Democrats, and organizers say they’ll be involved in a number of races as the primary season continues.

PR WATCH: PCCC Pressures Democratic Members to Drop ALEC

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), an online activist group, announced that they will be putting pressure on the minority of Democrats who are members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to dump ALEC. PCCC held a phone call on April 20 to launch the effort, and Wisconsin state Senator Chris Larson spoke about the harm that ALEC legislation has caused in Wisconsin.

ALTERNET: Right-Wing ALEC in Damage Control, While PCCC Launch Campaign to Expose ‘ALEC Democrats’

On Friday afternoon, PCCC held a press call to describe the next phase of its efforts: targeting “ALEC Democrats.” Over the coming days and weeks, the group and others will disseminate information about Democrats in government who align themselves with ALEC. The activists already have on board a coalition of progressive state legislators from Wisconsin, South Dakota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, and Washington, many of whom spoke with reporters today about the importance of getting more Democrats to denounce ALEC. “It’s a sham to project that [ALEC] is bipartisan in nature. And no Democrat should give aid and comfort to this organization by participating in it, to promote its alleged ‘bipartisanship,'” said New York State Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries.

CNN: Progressive Change Campaign Committee pushes back at Democratic legislators

On a Friday conference call with reporters and supporters, state legislators aligned with the PCCC called on their Democratic colleagues to part way with the organization, citing its involvement in legislation with which they disagreed. Some, including New York state assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries, who called the group a “sham,” were critical of ALEC’s role in “stand your ground” legislation, a law brought to national prominence in the February shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

CBS: PCCC keeps up the pressure on ALEC

Joined by a handful of Democratic state officials, the grassroots organization Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) announced today it will be targeting “bad Democrats” who are affiliated with ALEC to drop their association with the group. According to PCCC, there are 26 states with Democratic lawmakers that belong to ALEC. South Dakota state Sen. Angie Buhl said the group’s corporate agenda “is the antithesis of what we stand for as Democrats.”

ROLL CALL: Gates Foundation Will Withdraw Support for ALEC Nonprofit

The foundation, run by the co-founder of Microsoft Corp. and his wife, contributed more than $375,000 to ALEC in the past two years and was the target of an online petition launched today by the liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee that garnered more than 23,000 signatures in a matter of hours.

THE HILL: PCCC petition urges feds to investigate bosses asking for workers’ Facebook passwords

The petition, started by the liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee, echoes a letter Democratic Sens. Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Charles Schumer (N.Y.) sent to the Justice Department last month. In less than a week, nearly 55,000 people have signed the petition urging the Justice Department to investigate whether employers who ask for their workers’ Facebook passwords are breaking the law.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: PCCC Video – Progressive Candidates Turn The Ryan Budget Into An Organizing Tool

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee shows what that process looks like in a new video posted Wednesday. The clip shows progressive candidates nationwide attacking the Ryan Budget and using it to build support with seniors.

HARTFORD COURANT: CT hearts raising the minimum wage

Earlier this month, PCCC member and minimum-wage worker, Eva Lister, testified before the Connecticut General Assembly to share with legislators what a minimum wage increase would mean for Connecticut working families. Days later, the body’s Labor Committee passed a bill that would increase the minimum wage to $9.25/hr. Today’s polling shows that voters want legislators to pass $9.75 or higher.

HUFFINGTON POST: Chellie Pingree Is Object Of PCCC Draft Effort In Maine

A group of progressives is already trying to draft a replacement for retiring Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, in an email to members on Tuesday, attempted to line up backers for Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine)

WASHINGTON POST: PCCC fundraising “suggests the left will be very energized indeed this year”

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is set to announce some surprising fundraising numbers this morning — and the key is that the group’s totals this cycle have already surpassed its 2010 numbers, even though 2012 is just getting started. The PCCC’s fundraising does tell us one important thing about the state of the Dem base right now — it is in fact very energized when it comes to supporting candidates who unabashedly articulate a strong progressive platform. There seems to be a hunger for such candidates among grassroots Dems across the country.

BLUE NC: Progressive Change Campaign Committee polling NC members about drafting Miller

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has started an online poll asking NC’ians what they think regarding a run by Rep. Brad Miller (D-13) for Governor.

HUFFINGTON POST: Brad Miller Urged To Run For Governor By Progressive Change Campaign Committee members

Shortly after Miller’s announcement, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee sent an email to all of its members in North Carolina asking them if Miller should run for governor, while highlighting his congressional efforts to protect consumers from banking abuses. So far, over 97 percent of respondents have urged Miller to run for governor, according to PCCC spokesman Neil Sroka.

“Brad Miller authored the bill in Congress that would break up the big Wall Street banks and prevent future bailouts,” the PCCC email to members reads. “He also fought to make it easier for North Carolinians to ‘move our money’ from big banks that gamble away our money to smaller community banks.”

CBS: PIPA, SOPA put on hold in wake of protests

Adam Green, co-founder of the grassroots group Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said the legislation’s delay shows that “people power works.” His organization helped about 43000 people call their congressmen in opposition to the bill.

READ WRITE WEB: 40K PCCC members call Capitol Hill opposing SOPA

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s petition logged 225,000 signatures on its joint petition with Reddit and Craigslist. Protestors made over 40,000 calls to Capitol Hill. The bill caught the attention of mainstream media sources, even dominating the New York Times’ homepage. Nineteen senators now oppose PIPA, including seven who formerly co-sponsored the bill. OpenCongress’s Protect IP Act Senate whip count currently shows 33 senators supporting PIPA, and 39 opposing it.

Rachel Maddow Highlights PCCC’s SOPA/PIPA Success! [VIDEO]

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow highlights the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s successful partnership with technology innovators to take on SOPA proponents.

IBT: Global SOPA and PIPA Outcries Win Support

Digerati spearheaded by online sites including Wikipedia, Google and Reddit launched global opposition to two bills in the U.S. Congress they believe would threaten Internet commerce and creativity. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, went dark Wednesday, along with many other sites including Reddit and about 340 others whose proprietors are members of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

RT: P Street’s Conor Kennedy talks Stop Online Piracy Act [VIDEO]

Conor Kennedy from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee told RT that if passed, the bill would simply allow big shots from the media industry to wipe out any competition – and not in a fair way. “No one is opposed to bills that fight piracy”, Kennedy said. “But at the same time we need to be aware that large corporations are going to be able to use these laws to drag their fair competitors into court instead of competing with them in the marketplace. For small innovators that don’t have access to money for legal fees yet, that just spells out the end of the internet as we know it.”

THE GUARDIAN: Tech firms rail against SOPA proposals at PCCC event

Internet entrepreneurs – including Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of news sharing site Reddit, and Brad Burnham, whose Union Square Ventures has backed firms including Twitter and Foursquare – held a press conference hosted by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in Washington on Tuesday as the tech community fights to put a halt to Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and Protect IP act (Pipa), two anti-piracy bills being scrutinised in Washington.

HUFF POST: PCCC streaming SOPA PIPA discussion with bipartisan panel and tech experts

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) is hosting a discussion on the SOPA House bill and the PIPA Senate bill at 12:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday January 17. Tech innovators, along with progressive and conservative experts, will talk about the measures aimed at addressing online piracy, which have sparked controversy. Critics of the bills say they would reduce freedom of speech and threaten innovation.

POLITICO: Poll – IL-10 Dems want a progressive

The most instructive number inside a new Public Policy Poll survey of Illinois’ 10th District Democratic primary may be 64. That’s the percentage of voters who favor a “progressive,” compared to the 25 percent who’d like a “moderate.”

The spread would appear to favor Ilya Sheyman, who has the backing of Howard Dean, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and, the two groups that paid for the poll.