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Press Coverage

NYTimes: PCCC Launches “BP Makes Me Sick” Petition Campaign

A liberal group’s online petition urging the Obama administration to take a firmer hand on protections for oil leak responders in the Gulf of Mexico has won the support of 11 House Democrats and 31 congressional candidates, as well as more than 31,000 others, since its launch early yesterday.

The Hill: PCCC petition Calls for Senate to Pass Healthcare in Reconciliation

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) launched the effort after Republican Scott Brown was declared the winner of Massachusetts special Senate election to, giving the GOP its 41st vote to filibuster the healthcare overhaul.

NBC: PCCC Petitions Against Future Rahm Run

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is upset with what they perceive as a slight by the former Illinois congressman when he allegedly pressured Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to drop his fight for the public option so that health care could be passed.

WSJ: PCCC Fires New ad at Rahm Over Public Option Caving

The liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee is launching a television ad in the Chicago area that takes White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to task over his handling of health care.

POLITICO: PCCC Takes on Sen. Snowe (and Obama) in Ad Supporting Public Option

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is going up with this new spot — accompanied by an “emergency petition” — in Maine. It’s narrated by a former Obama campaign Maine staffer, who says Obama “campaigned on” the public option (it was in his policy statements, though he rarely mentioned it and generally ran from the right in the primary on health care) and that he owes it to Mainers to fight Olympia Snowe on the issue.

POLITICO: PCCC Protests Withdrawal of Public Option at White House

Several dozen former Obama campaign supporters gathered in front of the White House shortly after noon to demand that the president insist on the creation of a public option for health insurance – and threatened to work against Obama in 2012 if he doesn’t.

The Atlantic: PCCC Presses President in Protest on White House Lawn

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee will hold an event outside the White House today where former staffers of President Obama’s 2008 campaign will call on the president to sign health care reform with a public option.

Washington Post: PCCC Pushes President Obama to Support Public Option

Two major liberal groups launched petition drives Thursday demanding that President Obama endorse a public-insurance option as part of his drive for health-care reform.

POLITICO: PCCC Airs Ad Against Chuck Grassley, Ressurrects Public Option

A new ad from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America, airing in modest buys in Iowa and Washington, D.C., goes after Senator Charles Grassley at some length for taking money from the insurance industry and opposing a public option.

HuffPost: PCCC Goes After Sen. Baucus (D-Mont.) In Support of Public Option

Progressive groups are launching a new round of advertising against Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, (D-Mont.), in an effort to persuade him to support a public option.

NYTimes: Co-Founder Adam Green Featured In Support of Public Option

The PCCC says that the ad will appear on CNN, MSNBC and on The Daily Show at Comedy Central. Adam Green, co-founder of the organization, asserted this morning that unlike other groups’ ads, this one isn’t “light and fluffy.”

NY Times: PCCC Launches “$1 A day to Make Norm Go Away” Campaign

A joint project by Democrats has flipped traditional fund-raising on its head, by starting a campaign aimed at collecting $1 a day from supporters “to make Norm Coleman go away.”

POLITICO: PCCC Starts “$1 a Day to Make Norm Go Away” Fundraising Campaign

They’re asking donors to give a $1 each day Sen. Norm Coleman continues his legal challenge — money that will then be used to help bankroll liberal candidates in 2010.

HuffPost: PCCC Launches “Fix CNBC” Campaign, Asks Network to Hold Wall Street Accountable

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has released some genuinely funny video of the group taking its campaign to the sidewalks of Wall Street and the network’s corporate headquarters.

National Journal: PCCC – New Hope For Progressives?

The netroots are excited about the emergence of a new organization called the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), which seeks to “provid[e] needed infrastructure and strategic advice to progressive candidates so they can run first-class campaigns and win.” (Middle of Page)

HuffPost: Dem Activists Plan “PCCC” to Back Progressives

A group of progressive operatives from MoveOn and labor circles have teamed with a prominent Internet pioneer to try to give the Sam Bennetts of the world the final push they need — and send even more Perriellos to Congress. The organization will be the first of its kind exclusively to focus on electing progressive Democrats in congressional elections.