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POLITICO: Liberal Group Launches Anti-Campaign Money Campaign

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has launched an effort to reform the nation’s campaign finance system

THE HILL: House Dem backs Mich. legislator silenced for ‘vagina’ remark

Rep. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) is urging support for a Michigan lawmaker who was barred from speaking on the state House floor after using the word “vagina” in an abortion debate.. Peters grabbed attention for joining a petition in support of Brown and her colleague, Barb Byrum (D)… The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which is behind the petition, has launched online ads targeting Bolger and another GOP leader in response to the scandal.

ABC: PCCC Launch Campaign To Overturn Citizens United

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee will release a five part campaign today aimed at overturning Citizens United. The plan includes some of the following points: “Pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, require corporations to get shareholder approval before any political spending…”


The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is launching “Take Back Democracy” a five-part campaign to overturn Citizens United and fight corporate money in politics.

OAKLAND PRESS: PCCC campaign seeks apology to Michigan Rep. Lisa Brown in vagina controversy

A national progressive group is circulating a petition and launching an ad campaign to pressure Michigan House Republicans to
apologize to a Democrat banned last week from speaking on the House floor.

CNN: Democratic group makes $100k Wisconsin push in final days

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee announced on Saturday it is spending $100,000 in the last five days before the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall vote. This latest spend brings the PCCC’s investment supporting the recall of Republican Gov. Scott Walker, plus his lieutenant and several state legislators, to $300,000, the group said, with two thirds of that coming in the last two weeks.

WISPOLITICS: PCCC says it put another $100,000 into Wisconsin recalls

This pushes its investment in the state to $200,000 in the last two weeks and $300,000 overall, the group said. The latest $100,000 includes $71,000 raised for the state Dem Party and $31,000 in TV and online ads.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: Wal-Mart Leaves ALEC, 22nd Company To Exit Conservative Lobbying Group

Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the No. 1 U.S. retailer, said Thursday it had quit the American Legislative Exchange Council, a Washington, D.C.-based group that lobbies for conservative laws in state legislatures. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee coordinated efforts to get companies to quit ALEC. Others that previously opted out include Apple, the world’s most valuable technology company; Procter & Gamble, the No. 1 consumer products maker and Coca-Cola, the biggest drinks maker.

WFPL: National Progressive Group Targets Kentucky Lawmakers for ALEC Ties

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has spearheaded several national campaigns, like the push to recall Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker and with Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s U.S. Senate bid. The PCCC has been working for months to encourage lawmakers in other states to drop their ALEC memberships. Now, PCCC state director James Ploeser says the group is focusing on three Kentucky Democrats: Gerald Neal, Walter Blevins and Kathy Stein.

HUFFINGTON POST: Scott Walker Recall — Progressive Group Sends $100,000 To Wisconsin

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee announced Tuesday that it will send $100,000 to Wisconsin to help unseat Gov. Scott Walker (R), a cash infusion that will go to the state Democratic Party’s field operations for next week’s recall vote. In a statement, the Washington, D.C.-based group said that it was frustrated with how little money the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has put into the recall fight and that it managed to raise the $100,000 in the last nine days.

CNN: Wisconsin’s Still A National Fight

On Tuesday, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, announced it raised an additional $100,000 for the Wisconsin Democratic Party’s field operations.


Online retailer Amazon dropped its membership with American Legislative Exchange Council. The decision comes after groups like the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and other organizations put pressure on the company. Since April, 20 companies have dropped out.

SEATTLE PI: Protest outside Amazon shareholders’ meeting

Kristiane Skolmen with Bold Progressives announces that she will deliver over 500,000 petition signatures asking Amazon to pull support of the American Legislative Exchange Council. Moments later is was announced that the Seattle-based online retailer pulled its support for the group.

THE GUARDIAN: ALEC grows vulnerable as 11 legislators cut ties with lobbying network

The storm surrounding the American Legislative Exchange Council, Alec, has gathered pace with the fresh defection of 11 Democratic state legislators who have cut off ties with the lobbying network. The defections bring the number of Democratic representatives in state assemblies across the country who have dumped Alec to 39. The network, which brings together big corporations with local politicians to forward right-wing and anti-union legislation, has come under sustained pressure from campaigns such as the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: Progressive Group Expands Anti-Walker Ad Buy

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is expanding its ad buy for an ad that went up last week urging Wisconsin voters to vote against Gov. Scott Walker in the recall election. PCCC is adding $30,000 to an their previous ad buy of the same amount, allowing them to expand from the Madison TV market to now include Green Bay.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: After $2B JPMorgan Loss, Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren Calls For ‘New Glass-Steagall Act’

In the wake of JPMorgan’s $2 billion trading loss, U.S. Senate Democratic candidate for Massachusetts, Harvard Law professor and former White House adviser Elizabeth Warren is calling for a new Glass-Steagall law to separate investment and commercial banking. Warren, a Democrat who is challenging Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., in a nationally watched race, says JPMorgan’s bungled derivatives trading demonstrate a need for a new Glass-Steagall Act. She sent out an email with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee — a group that has raised more than $700,000 for her candidacy — to push for stronger financial regulations.

THE PROGRESSIVE: Wisconsin Recall — Day One

Today, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee announced a major ad buy urging Wisconsinites to remember the historic protests of 2011 and featuring a powerful portrait of the rallies of a year and a half ago. The ad begins with the word “Remember” and black-and-white footage of a firefighter standing in the snow outside the Capitol in Madison, holding an American flag.

NATIONAL JOURNAL: PCCC Hits Walker With $30K Madison Buy

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is hitting Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker on day one of the recall general election campaign with a TV ad featuring protesters explaining the need for the governor to be recalled.

SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE: Dueling national endorsements

On Friday, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee endorsed Saldaña, calling her “a bold progressive fighter who will be a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren in Congress.” This is the nearly million-member group’s first California endorsement of the 2012 cycle. Meanwhile, Peters recently secured the support of the New Democrat Coalition.

ABC NEWS: PCCC Endorses In CA House Primary

Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founders Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor email: “Today, we are proud to endorse Lori Saldaña for Congress in California’s 52nd district. She is a bold progressive fighter who will be a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren in Congress.”

POLITICO: California House – PCCC Jumping Into Dem Primary For Saldana

Progressive Change Campaign Committee will endorse three-term state Assembly member Lori Saldaña in the Democratic primary for California’s 52nd district today. They call her “a bold progressive fighter who will be a strong ally of Elizabeth Warren in Congress.” This is the PCCC’s first California endorsement of the 2012 cycle.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: Progressives To Announce California Congressional Endorsement Today

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) will announce later today that they will be endorsing former California state Rep. Lori Saldaña in for Congress in California’s 52’s district, who is running in a Democratic primary against San Diego city councilman Scott Peters for a newly redistricted seat currently held by Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA). The PCCC has been involved in putting up more liberal challengers to Blue Dog Democrats, and organizers say they’ll be involved in a number of races as the primary season continues.

PR WATCH: PCCC Pressures Democratic Members to Drop ALEC

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), an online activist group, announced that they will be putting pressure on the minority of Democrats who are members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to dump ALEC. PCCC held a phone call on April 20 to launch the effort, and Wisconsin state Senator Chris Larson spoke about the harm that ALEC legislation has caused in Wisconsin.

ALTERNET: Right-Wing ALEC in Damage Control, While PCCC Launch Campaign to Expose ‘ALEC Democrats’

On Friday afternoon, PCCC held a press call to describe the next phase of its efforts: targeting “ALEC Democrats.” Over the coming days and weeks, the group and others will disseminate information about Democrats in government who align themselves with ALEC. The activists already have on board a coalition of progressive state legislators from Wisconsin, South Dakota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, and Washington, many of whom spoke with reporters today about the importance of getting more Democrats to denounce ALEC. “It’s a sham to project that [ALEC] is bipartisan in nature. And no Democrat should give aid and comfort to this organization by participating in it, to promote its alleged ‘bipartisanship,'” said New York State Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries.

CNN: Progressive Change Campaign Committee pushes back at Democratic legislators

On a Friday conference call with reporters and supporters, state legislators aligned with the PCCC called on their Democratic colleagues to part way with the organization, citing its involvement in legislation with which they disagreed. Some, including New York state assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries, who called the group a “sham,” were critical of ALEC’s role in “stand your ground” legislation, a law brought to national prominence in the February shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.