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Progressive Change Campaign Committee

FISCAL TIMES: Social Security Push Helps Schatz Take Hawaii Primary

Progressive Democrats had reason to celebrate Sen. Brian Schatz’s victory over Rep. Colleen Hanabusa late last week in Hawaii’s hurricane-delayed Democratic Senate primary: Schatz is one of a few prominent candidates nationally to call for a major expansion of Social Security benefits.

“This is a huge victory for the populist Elizabeth Warren wing of American politics, and a big blow to the corporate win,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a political advocacy group that strongly backed Schatz’s primary campaign. “Brian Schatz won by campaigning on a bold platform of expanding Social Security benefits.”

PCCC members contributed over $73,000 to Schatz’s campaign, and the organization ran online ads in the final days of the election that stressed the stakes for Social Security, according to a spokesperson.

MSNBC: After storm, bitter Democratic primary in Hawaii heads toward finish

Hawaii has lately not been much of a paradise for Democrats, who are divided against each other in a Senate primary that still isn’t decided almost a week after Election Day.

The race, between incumbent Sen. Brian Schatz and a sitting member of Congress, Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, has split Democrats in Washington and Hawaii.

“There is a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party taking place between the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party and the corporate wing of the Party,” said Laura Friedenbach of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which endorsed Schatz and has run ads supporting him.

“The contrast is clear: Brian Schatz was one of the first U.S. Senators to support legislation to expand Social Security benefits, and his opponent Colleen Hanabusa voted for the Simpson-Bowles plan to cut Social Security benefits,” Friedenbach added.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: Liberal Group Launches ‘Overtime’ Fundraising Drive For Brian Schatz

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee launched an “overtime” fundraising effort on Monday to help Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz defeat Rep. Colleen Hanabusa in the bitter Democratic primary, which is still too close to call.

Voters cast their ballots on Saturday, and as of Sunday afternoon Schatz was leading by less than 1,700 votes; over 230,000 were cast, according to the Washington Post. Due to a tropical storm, not all votes were counted, and the election was postponed in two districts in the Puna region which have about 8,000 voters, according to the Honolulu Civil Beat.

“The funds will go straight to the Schatz campaign to fund their grassroots efforts in those precincts,” said Laura Friedenbach, a PCCC spokeswoman.

The PCCC, which says it has already raised $67,000 for Schatz’s campaign, told supporters that ensuring Schatz’s victory was important for the “Elizabeth Warren wing” of the Democratic party.

Ruben Gallego: Bold Reformer Running for Congress in Arizona

We are proud to announce our endorsement of rubengallego900pxRuben Gallego, who is running for Congress in Arizona!

Ruben is an Iraq veteran and state legislator. He is also a young activist who has worked to increase the number of Latino voters and led fights for worker rights, immigration reform, marijuana legalization, and marriage equality.

He supports expanding Social Security benefits and taking on the student debt crisis.

Ruben Gallego is a bold reformer committed to aAi??constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United and the Government By The People Act — a bill would create a system where small-dollar donations will be matched with public funds to gives a $100 donation from a high school teacher the same weight as aAi??lobbyist who contributesAi??$700.

Read more on Ruben’s website:

Ruben Gallego Campaign Finance Reform on Website pt 1

Ai??Ai??Ruben Gallego Campaign Finance Reform on Website pt 2

And check out Ruben’s responses to our questionnaire:

Ruben Gallego Democracy Questionaire screenshot

Ruben Gallego Signature

Ruben faces a tough primary on August 26th against a more conservative opponent.

Most importantly, Ruben and his team are building infrastructure. They have built an amazing grassroots movement of young people who are knocking on doors every day. They aren’t just trying to win a congressional race. They are trying to build progressive power in Arizona.

This is a safe Democratic district — so it’s important that a true progressive win the election.

Ruben has received numerous endorsements, including from Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Planned Parenthood, The Sierra Club,,, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and a dozen unions and labor organizations.

The Progressive …

BUSINESS INSIDER: NY Gubernatorial Primary Candidate Zephyr Teachout Gets First National Endorsement From The PCCC

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) officially endorsed outsider New York gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout on Tuesday in her Democratic primary battle against incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo. PCCC is the first national fundraising organization to publicly back Teachout.

The group’s co-founder Stephanie Taylor sent an email to her membership Tuesday that referenced a growing scandal over Gov. Cuomo’s alleged interference with an anti-corruption commission. Taylor also characterized Cuomo as a “corporate Democrat serving big-money donors.”

“New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, one of the worst corporate Democrats in America, is caught up in an ethics scandal — and now, a cover-up,” Taylor wrote.

The email memo referred to Zephyr Teachout as “one of the most wonderful progressive thinkers, organizers, and advocates in America.”

POLITICO: What we learned from progressives at Netroots Nation

At a high-profile gathering of progressives this week, Hillary Clinton was tolerated, Barack Obama was pitied, and Elizabeth Warren was treated like a hero.

The annual liberal confab known as Netroots Nation brought together around 3,000 activists converged for several days of campaign training, a protest or two, and speeches from Warren, Vice President Joe Biden and other Democrats.

Elizabeth Warren stole the show this week with her tough messages to Wall Street and Republicans. The Massachusetts senator insists she’s not running in 2016, but the conference made clear that progressives will hold midterm and presidential candidates to the populist standard she has set.

A case in point: the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, an activist group that touts itself as being from the “Warren wing of the Democratic Party,” is seeking to organize in New Hampshire and Iowa,”to make sure every presidential candidate is asked whether they agree with Warren on key economic populist issues like expanding Social Security benefits, taking on Wall Street, and eliminating student loan debt,” spokeswoman Laura Friedenbach said.

WALL STREET JOURNAL: At Progressive Gathering, Warren’s Message Rings

At Netroots Nation, the country’s largest gathering of liberal activists, people like to say they belong to the “Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party.”

The Massachusetts senator received a rock-star reception here Friday, a sign of her power to rally the party’s left flank at a time when Democrats are starting to look toward the post- Obama era.

While Ms. Warren says she isn’t running for president, many who are energized by her populist message on financial regulation, entitlement programs and other issues believe she can help push whomever is the party’s nominee—presumed right now to be Hillary Clinton —to the left.

Many at Netroots Nation criticize Mrs. Clinton, the former secretary of state, for being too close to Wall Street and too distant from the Democrats’ liberal base. Adam Green, the founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which has raised $1 million for liberal candidates in 2014, said his group will be pressuring Democrats running for president to adopt Ms. Warren’s agenda.

CNN: Progressive group announces $1 million raised for candidates

A leading grassroots group announced a big fundraising haul to help Democratic candidates ahead of the midterm elections.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee said Wednesday that it raised over $1 million this campaign cycle. The report comes a day before the kickoff of Netroots Nation, the largest annual gathering of progressives in the country.

The group bills itself as the Elizabeth Warren side of the Democratic Party, and will have a significant presence at the four-day liberal gathering surrounding the Massachusetts senator and liberal icon’s keynote address.

Supreme Court doubles down on Citizens United; Time to Fight Back!

Roberts_McCutcheonEarlier today, in a 5-to-4 ruling, the Roberts Supreme Court struck some of the last remaining limits on how much wealthy people can donate to electoral campaigns. With those limits gone, it will be even harder for everyday people to have their voices heard in Washington.

In response, PCCC is launching ads in Washington to make clear that not only should Congress pass a Constitutional Amendment to counteract the power of money in politics — it needs to pass the Government by the People Act, which would fit within recent Supreme Court rulings and would match small-dollar donations with public funds.

We need campaign finance reform to give us a better chance at winning against big corporate donors on issues like reforming Wall Street, making college more affordable, and fighting corporate polluters.

Click here to sign-on as a citizen cosponsor of the Government by the People Act to give voice to everyday people and reduce the influence of big money in our democracy!

Shenna Bellows Could Topple Susan Collins, Say National News Profiles

Shenna Bellows

First, progressive Senate candidate Shenna Bellows out-fundraised Republican Susan Collins.

Now, Shenna is profiled by US News & World Report and The Hill!

Check out below. Then please donate $3 to help win this huge Senate race.


Democrat Shenna Bellows, a former American Civil Liberties Union leader who grew up without electricity or running water until the fifth grade, is attempting to cobble together a unique coalition of liberals and libertarians to try and upset Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins.

But while sheai??i??s been dubbed ai???the Elizabeth Warren of Civil Libertiesai??? by the liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee, she also finds herself seeing eye to eye with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on issues of national security and foreign policy…

Bellows is campaigning on repeal of the U.S. Patriot Act and wants to severely curb the National Security Agencyai??i??s bulk data collection program ai??i?? two issues that resonate with the left wing of the Democratic Party as well as libertarian-minded voters who propped up Ron Paulai??i??s strong showing in the 2012 presidential caucuses there.

ai???What I think we need is targeting based on individualized suspicion, reasonable suspicion that people are engaged in criminal or terrorist activity,ai??? she says in response to a question about what she thinks the NSA should be able to monitor.

Bellowsai??i?? candidacy was being largely ignored by national media until she revealed earlier this month she had raised more money than Collins during the last quarter. Now, sheai??i??s trying to capitalize on that news with a press blitz highlighting a grassroots campaign focused largely on local organizing in Maineai??i??s 500 towns.

Help Shenna Bellows continue the momentum! Click here to donate $3 and help Shenna defeat Susan Collins.Ai??

Then, share this great article on Facebook

NBC NEWS: First Read: Off to the Races

CALIFORNIA: With the retirement of Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), the liberal group Progressive Change Campaign Committee says it’s making the district a priority, and it will endorse Dr. Lee Rogers for the seat.

VOICE OF RUSSIA: Snowden’s supporters disappointed with Obama’s proposed NSA reforms (AUDIO)

Anti-spying protestors were mostly disappointed by President Obama’s proposed reforms to the NSA surveillance program. Obama kept it vague, and defended the program as necessary for national security. Karissa Gerhke, an organizer with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, says though she doesn’t think the president is doing enough, there is still something to celebrate. “The main thing here today is that Obama’s announcement today would not have been possible without Edward Snowden,” says Gerhke.

THE WASHINGTON POST: Morning Plum: A Dem candidate who would expand O’care and Social Security

Yesterday, GOP Rep. Buck McKeon, a longtime member of Congress and chairman of the Armed Services Committee, announced his retirement. The move could pave the way for an interesting experiment, one that could provide a glimpse into how progressive policies play in a swing district that’s already very difficult for Democrats.

The Democrat vying for the seat in California’s 25th District is Dr. Lee Rogers, who not only aggressively embraces Obamacare, but wants to expand it to achieve “universal” coverage, and even wants to expand Social Security. In an indication of what this candidacy might look like, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which supports Rogers, notes that he champions “Medicare access for all,” and in a PCCC email going out today, Rogers says:

“I’ll fight to allow people to buy into Medicare. I’ll push for Medicare to negotiate drug prices to lower costs. And I promise to help bring us closer to universal healthcare coverage.”

THE DAILY CALLER: REACTION: NSA changes not possible without Snowden

President Barack Obama announced Friday significant changes to National Security Agency permissions and policies — changes that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) says never would have occurred were it not for the actions of agency leaker Edward Snowden.

“Obama’s announcement today would not have been possible without Edward Snowden,” committee organizer Karissa Gerhke said in a statement Friday. He is a hero and a whistle-blower, and deserves clemency.”

The PCCC has raised more than $45,000 via the Edward Snowden Legal Defense Fund while advocating for Snowden’s pardon.

TIME: Can Anyone Stop Hillary?

As a co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Adam Green might be expected to lead the effort, but Warren’s decision to remain on the sidelines has left him resigned to seek concessions from the overwhelming front runner. Clinton “determines her own fate,” Green tells Time. “If she embraces things like more Wall Street reform and expanding Social Security benefits instead of cutting them, there will be very little space for a primary challenge of the left.”

Top Ten Bold Progressive Highlights Of 2013

Check out the Top Ten Highlights of 2013 from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee!

It’s been a great year. Thanks to all of our bold progressive members for being part of it!

PCCC members say: Expand Social Security!

1. “Expand Social Security”

In July, we announced a big strategic shift: Instead of playing defense, we would rally around bills to EXPAND Social Security benefits.

Along with our allies, PCCC members deliveredAi??petitionsAi??to congressional offices around the nation. We releasedAi??pollsAi??showing this idea was popular by 2 to 1 in Kentucky and 3 to 1 in Texas!

After the Washington Post op-ed pageAi??attackedAi??”bold progressives” for leading the way on this issue, Elizabeth Warren made national news that day by endorsing Social Security expansion on the Senate floor (and in an email to PCCC members).

Nobel economist Paul Krugman writes, “a funny thing has happened in the past year or so. Suddenly, weai??i??re hearing open discussion of the idea that Social Security should be expanded, not

2. PCCC membersAi??heartAi??Elizabeth Warren

When Elizabeth Warren called for students to get the same low interest rates as big banks, over 1000 professors (who are also PCCC members) endorsed the idea.

When Elizabeth Warren demanded bank regulators crack down on Wall Street crimes, PCCC members pressured the SEC to listen!

When Elizabeth Warren was attacked, PCCC members attacked back!

Warren’s hometown Boston GlobeAi??profiledAi??us recently. They wrote, “A group called Progressive Change Campaign Committee is waging the most visible of these pro-Warren crusades.”

The NationAi??writes, “Warrenai??i??s voice is amplified by groups like the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which have identified her as their ‘north star’ in the fight to renew the Democratic Party. That scares corporate interests.”

Boston Globe profile: For Warren, Progressive Change Campaign Committee leading the charge

On Monday, the Boston Globe’s front page featured a wide ranging profile of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and all of the amazing work PCCC members have done to push the Democratic Party to embrace Elizabeth Warren’s agenda and fight for progressive change.

Can you help us continue to fight for Elizabeth Warren’s agenda in 2014? Click here.

The Boston Globe: Progressive wing waves Elizabeth Warren banner

Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor are cofounders of Progressive Change Campaign Committee. The group has been promoting the political profile of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in presidential primary states.

WASHINGTON ai??i?? Elizabeth Warren has pledged she will not seek the White House in 2016, but that has not stopped diehard Warren boosters from promoting her political profile in presidential primary states, saying she is best positioned to push the Democratic Party to the left.

A group called Progressive Change Campaign Committee is waging the most visible of these pro-Warren crusades, training volunteers, meeting with labor leaders in New Hampshire, and handing out stickers with Warrenai??i??s name.

But there are costs to party unity, as the Massachusetts senator becomes a central figure in an intensifying battle for the Democratic Partyai??i??s soul.

The movement behind Warren is not as intense as the conservative Tea Party version for Republican candidates, but pushing against the partyai??i??s center is the goal for both.

ai???Weai??i??re going to make sure that every Democrat who runs for president is forced to say whether they agree with Elizabeth Warren on key issues, like expanding Social Security benefits and more Wall Street reform,ai??? said Adam Green, the 37-year-old cofounder of the group.

Warrenai??i??s impassioned stance on expanding Social Security is in defiance of President Obamaai??i??s proposal to trim the growth of benefit payments in future years. On …

SALON: Third Way senior vice president admits majority of think tankai??i??s funding comes from Wall Street

Ever since it caused an outpouring of indignation on the left by attacking Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the Wall Street Journal, Third Way, the neoliberal think tank, has been ducking questions about where, exactly, its funding comes from.

But at a demonstration on Wednesday outside its Washington, D.C., office, senior vice president Matt Bennett admitted that, contrary to the impression Third Way initially gave of the finance sector providing a minuscule amount of its funding, Third Wayai??i??s money comes overwhelmingly from its board of trustees ai??i?? which, as Daily Kos and others have shown, is itself overwhelmingly composed of people who make their living in finance.

Asked by Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founder Adam Green to name a percentage of Third Wayai??i??s funding that comes from peopleAi??in the finance sector ai??i?? rather than institutions ai??i?? Bennett concededAi??that ai???the majority of our financial support [comes] from Green pressed Bennett for a ai???ball parkai??? or a ai???percentageai??? guess, Bennett demurred. ai???Iai??i??m not going to get into that,ai??? he said.

TIME MAGAZINE: Democratic Divide on Social Security Spills Into Streets

On a brisk, sunny Wednesday afternoon a handful of protesters stood outside of 1025 Connecticut Ave NW in Washington, while a boisterous woman led the groupai??i??s chants.Ai??ai???What is America going to be?ai??? they asked. ai???Corporate Greed or Democracy?ai???

People from all across the country, including retirees and caregivers from Illinois, Montana, and North Carolina, had been brought together by leftist organizations Social Security Works and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) to denounce Third Way, a centrist democratic think tank, and their stance on social security.

ai???Up with America,ai??? they jeered at the faAi??ade of the building housing the groupai??i??s headquarters, holding signs that read ai???We are from the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party,ai??? a signal of support for the freshman senator who supports expanding Social Security.Ai?? ai???Down with Third


Progressives, led by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee,Ai??pushed back hard onAi??Third Way’s attack on Elizabeth WarrenAi??and their claim that economic populism was “disastrous” for Democrats. As a growing team of progressive groups joined the fray, Third Way’s Democratic co-chairs started distancing themselves from the attack.Ai??The New York TimesAi??called the campaign’s successAi??”the latest indication that the liberal wing of theAi??Democratic PartyAi??is ascendant.”

Fight back: Corporate-funded think tank Third Way attacks Elizabeth Warren & Social Security

Last week, corporate-funded think tank Third Way attacked Elizabeth Warren in Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal — saying her bold economic populism is “dangerous for Democratic Party.” Wrong!

Polls show Warren’s ideas are popular in red, purple, and blue states. That’s why Wall Street fears her.

The PCCC is leading the fight against Third Way’s corporatist strategy and calling them out for refusing to make their Wall Street ties public.

Over 100,000 people have joined our petition calling on Third Way to disclose their Wall Street donors. Click here to sign on.

The petition and actions by PCCC members have already been covered by the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, Wall Street Journal, and more!

The New York Times reported:

In a sign of the leftai??i??s new aggressiveness, a coalition of liberals is trying to marginalize a centrist Democratic policy group that was responsible for a Wall Street Journal op-ed article this week that said economic populism was ai???disastrousai??? for the party.

The coalition, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and three other liberal advocacy organizations have urged their members to contact a group of congressional Democrats who are honorary leaders of the centrist group, Third Way. It published the op-ed article on Monday contending that the liberalism of Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio of New York City and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts would lead Democrats ai???over the populist

The article ai??i?? written by Jon Cowan, president of Third Way, and Jim Kessler, its senior vice president for policy ai??i?? criticizes progressives like Ms. Warren and Mr. de Blasio for opposing measures to cut ai??i?? Social Security and Medicare.

The liberal groupsai??i?? campaign has already gotten results, the latest indication that the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is ascendant.

Help us continue to put pressure on Wall Street-backed …

New York Times: Coalition of Liberals Strikes Back at Criticism From Centrist Democrats

In a sign of the leftai??i??s new aggressiveness, a coalition of liberals is trying to marginalize a centrist Democratic policy group that was responsible for a Wall Street Journal op-ed article this week that said economic populism was ai???disastrousai??? for the party.

The coalition, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and three other liberal advocacy organizations have urged their members to contact a group of congressional Democrats who are honorary leaders of the centrist group, Third Way. It published the op-ed article on Monday contending that the liberalism of Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio of New York City and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts would lead Democrats ai???over the populist

The article ai??i?? written by Jon Cowan, president of Third Way, and Jim Kessler, its senior vice president for policy ai??i?? criticizes progressives like Ms. Warren and Mr. de Blasio for opposing measures to cut … Social Security and Medicare.

The liberal groupsai??i?? campaign has already gotten results, the latest indication that the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is ascendant.

HUFFINGTON POST: Elizabeth Warren, Liberals Hit Back Against Third Way After Economic Populist Attack

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Progressives United and Democracy For America all called on Schwartz Tuesday to resign from her position as honorary co-chair of Third Way. Democratic primary opponent John Hanger echoed the demand. Mark Bergman, a spokesman for Schwartz, said she would not resign but said in an email to The Huffington Post that she thought the op-ed was “outrageous, and strongly disagrees with it.”

TALKING POINTS MEMO: Progressive Change Campaign Committee Calls For Dem Rep. To Cut Ties To Third Way

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is calling on Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) to drop her affiliation with the think tank Third Way.

Schwartz, who is currently running for governor, serves as an honorary co-chair of the think tank. The call, made by PCCC co-founder Adam Green in an email to supporters on Wednesday, is the latest shot in a recently in an escalating feud between Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Third Way.

The Liberal Fix: Support for Expanding Social Security is a Winning Issue

The Liberal Fix team was very excited to sit down with the Press Secretary for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and talk about the challenges that progressives face, the opportunities that exist, as well as their recent focus on expanding Social Security.

The PCCC has played a large part in moving the dialogue on Social Security away from decreasing benefits to expanding existing benefits.

Most recently and notably Senator Warren offered her full support for expanding Social Security and made a very public statement in support of the effort.