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Progressive Change Campaign Committee

NPR: Obama’s Latest Challenges Go Beyond The GOP

“Democrats in general are thinking beyond Obama and are willing to stand up to him if he’s not representing the will of the people,” said Adam Green, who heads the activist group Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Obama still enjoys strong support among Democrats. But Green said progressives will be watching closely how the president handles the budget battle in the coming weeks.

“During 2012, there was some hesitance to criticize a president up for re-election,” Green said. “But right now the general attitude is: We want to go on offense, not play defense. And if the president is willing to go there, great — we’ll do things during his presidency. But if he’s not willing to go there, we’re going to be working with people like [Massachusetts Sen.] Elizabeth Warren to lay the foundation for big progressive change in the future.”

ABC: Progressive Change Campaign Committee Announces First Endorsement of 2014 Cycle

Today, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee endorsed Massachusetts State Rep. Carl Sciortino for Congress in the race to fill Ed Markey’s former House seat in the state’s 5th Congressional district. According to a press release, “This is the PCCC’s first endorsement of the 2014 cycle. Carl has already been endorsed by leading House progressives including, Reps. Raul Grijalva, Keith Ellison, Alan Grayson, and Mark Takano. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has over 5,000 members in MA-5, more than 33,000 members in Massachusetts, and nearly 1 million members across the country.” In an e-mail message going out to supporters today, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s Matt Wall writes, “Carl Sciortino showed bold leadership in the PCCC’s first-ever Open Debate by supporting prosecuting Wall Street bankers, Elizabeth Warren’s Glass-Steagall bill, increasing Social Security benefits, Medicare-For-All, and reversing Citizens United. Carl was a leader on Syria by being the first to announce he opposed bombing Syria and successfully getting his opponents to follow his lead a week later.”

MASSLIVE: Progressive Change Campaign Committee endorses US House candidate Carl Sciortino

A national liberal group will begin fundraising for Democratic congressional candidate Carl Sciortino.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committeeon Tuesday plans to endorse Sciortino, a state representative running for the 5th District congressional seat, and send out a fundraising email to its supporters on his behalf. It will also send staff to Massachusetts and recruit volunteers from among its members to support his campaign, said PCCC spokesman Matt Wall.

“Among several good candidates, Carl proved these past two weeks that he is the type of bold leader we can count on,” the PCCC writes in a fundraising email that will be sent to the group’s national supporters. In particular, the organization points to Sciortino’s early opposition to the use of U.S. military force in Syria.

The PCCC has proven to be a powerful force in past Massachusetts elections. The group raised more than $1 million from its members for Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s successful 2012 U.S. Senate campaign. It was less involved in Democrat Edward Markey’s 2013 U.S. Senate campaign but still raised $35,000 for him. The group, which says it has 33,000 Massachusetts members, held an online debate with five of the 5th District Democratic candidates last month.

POLITICO: Progressive group backs Carl Sciortino

The liberal group Progressive Change Campaign Committee said Wednesday that it is endorsing Democrat Carl Sciortino in the special election primary in Massachusetts’s 5th District.

Sciortino is one of seven Democrats vying for the nomination to succeed now-Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) in the solidly blue district.

The organization hailed Sciortino’s opposition to military intervention in Syria as well as his positions on issues like financial reform, campaign finance and Social Security.

“Among several good candidates, Carl proved these past two weeks that he is the type of bold leader we can count on,” PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor said in a fundraising email that the group planned to send to its members.

THE HILL: PCCC’s first endorsement goes to Dem vying for Markey’s seat

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has endorsed state Rep. Carl Sciortino (D) in the special election to fill Sen. Edward Markey’s (D-Mass.) House seat.

It’s the progressive group’s first endorsement of the cycle, and comes with fundraising support and access to the PCCC’s thousands-strong member base.

Sciortino has been running as the progressive in the race against five other staunch Democrats in Massachusetts’ heavily Democratic fifth district.

BOSTON GLOBE: Progressive Democrats putting pressure on Obama

Lawrence H. Summers’ decision to bow out of contention for the Federal Reserve chairmanship represented a triumph for progressive Democrats, putting on powerful display their ability to pressure the White House in a way that could spell further complications for President Obama.

“A lot of progressives are thinking beyond Obama,” said Adam Green, cofounder of Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal advocacy group active in Warren’s campaign. “If we can do it during his presidency, great. If he’s intent on just playing defense, we’ll lay the groundwork and pass big change in a couple of years.”

THE GUARDIAN: Democrats push for Janet Yellen as Fed chair after Summers withdrawal

Rebel Democrats on Monday threw their weight behind a growing campaign for Janet Yellen to take over the US Federal Reserve, as their successful revolt against White House pick Larry Summers emboldened those calling for tougher policy toward Wall Street.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of four banking committee members who helped force Summers, a former Citigroup adviser, to withdraw from the race on Sunday, said the development should give President Barack Obama a chance to rethink his strategy, which has been criticised for being too accommodating toward banking interests.

“Larry Summers’ past decisions to deregulate Wall Street and do the bidding of corporate America have made the lives of millions of Americans more acrimonious. He would have been an awful Fed chair,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. “President Obama should appoint someone to lead the Fed who has not accepted millions in payments from Wall Street, and who will prioritize an economy that works for the little guy above further enrichment for the big guy.”

CNN: Live Blog: President Obama’s national address

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a left-leaning advocacy group that has been opposed to military action in Syria, responded to the address saying “public pressure worked.”

“The American people knew that diplomacy was a credible and strategic option, and this great news from President Obama will be better for America and his presidency than dropping bombs on Syria,” the group said in a statement.

ROLL CALL: Anti-War Activists Strive to Illuminate Capitol Hill

A cadre of progressive organizations are urging those opposed to U.S. involvement in the Syria crisis to join their candlelight vigil Monday night just steps from the Capitol.

The demonstration, coordinated by, CREDO Action, Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Win Without War, is expected to take place beginning at 7 p.m. opposite the Cannon House Office Building.

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: Vigils Monday evening urge President Obama not to attack Syria across the Bay Area

On the eve of President Obama using a nationwide TV address Tuesday to explain why the U.S. should bomb Syria, there will be several peace vigils across the Bay Area Monday night — beginning with one in front of one of the biggest hawks on Syria, Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

Sponsored by a coalition of liberal activist groups — including MoveOn, CREDO, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and the Win Without War Coalition — the major action will start Monday at 6 p.m. in front of Pelosi’s office at the Federal Building.

CBS LOCAL (Miami, FL): Candlelight Vigil In Miami To Oppose Syria Strikes

There’s a candlelight vigil scheduled Monday night at The Torch of Friendship to urge South Florida Representatives to vote against bombing Syria.

The event in Miami is part of a national day of action being organized by the progressive organizations Civic Action, CREDO Action, Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), and Win Without War.

Similar vigils are scheduled to take place in nearly one hundred cities across the country on Monday.

MSNBC: Progressives outline opposition to Syria war

The Obama Administration is continuing its lobbying blitz for military intervention in Syria, garnering support from Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, alongside key Republicans like House Speaker John Boehner and Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

But fighting against those clamoring for military strikes following Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons against his own people is a loud chorus of progressives vehemently opposed to raining down U.S. missiles on Syria.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is coming out against Obama’s desire to strike. The major political action committee sent a letter to Senate and House Dems to vote against any resolution involving U.S. intervention.

“You now face a decision that involves life and death,” the memo reads. “This decision also involves billions of dollars. And it will send a signal to your constituents and the world about our nation’s morals and our ability to make strategic, goal-oriented decisions. This historic moment must transcend political party.” Included are results of a survey from 57,000 progressives, the majority saying they oppose military action in Syria.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: House Progressives Look To Team Up With Tea Party On Syria Vote

As the struggle to secure House votes for or against authorization for military strikes in Syria accelerates, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party has started making plans to team up with isolationist conservatives to stop the resolution, TPM has learned.

While the White House makes it case, members are also receiving persistent pressure from progressive grassroots organizations to vote against a Syria resolution. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee circulated a memo Wednesday urging Congress to reject Obama’s proposal, citing a member survey.

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Liberal House Democrats Turn Up Heat on Syria Vote

A bloc of several dozen liberals who are among President Barack Obama’s closest allies in Congress is now becoming an obstacle to congressional approval of his plan for airstrikes in Syria.

Mr. Obama’s quest to press ahead with an attack on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has stirred strong pushback among some Republicans. But dovish Democrats appear equally uneasy, and their numbers threaten to deal Mr. Obama his most embarrassing foreign-policy setback.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal political-action committee, said Wednesday that a survey of about 55,000 of its almost one million members found 73% oppose action in Syria. It sent a memo to all Democrats in Congress under the heading “Your base opposes military action in Syria” and launched a phone campaign to pressure lawmakers to vote “no.”

BUSINESS INSIDER: Huge Progressive Group Plans To Pressure Congressional Democrats To Oppose Action In Syria

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is coming out against military action in Syria, and it plans to pressure on-the-fence Democrats in Congress to oppose it, as well.

The PCCC, which has a membership of nearly 1 million people, is sending a memo to Democratic representatives and senators with the results of a survey that shows its members overwhelmingly oppose intervening in Syria.

CNN: Happening now: House members take on Obama officials

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee announced it’s sending a memo to members of Congress, including those whom the PCCC campaigned for, saying the progressive base overwhelmingly opposes military strikes Syria. According to a survey of its members, 73% of progressive respondents were not in favor of the president’s proposal for punitive action, while 18% supported the president’s decision.

“You now face a decision that involves life and death. This decision also involves billions of dollars. And it will send a signal to your constituents and the world about our nation’s morals and our ability to make strategic, goal-oriented decisions. This historic moment must transcend political party,” Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor, the group’s co-founders, say in the memo. “Your progressive base stands firmly against military action in Syria.”

HUFFINGTON POST: Progressive Change Campaign Committee Urges Congress To Vote ‘No’ On Syria

A major progressive political action committee on Wednesday urged Democratic members of Congress to vote against any resolution authorizing airstrikes on Syria.

The nearly one million-member Progressive Change Campaign Committee circulated a memo to Democrats in the House and Senate spelling out its objections to the use of military force against Syrian President Bashar Assad, adding that PCCC members will make “thousands of calls to Congress and will make participate in local events” in the coming days to pressure lawmakers to oppose military action.

TALKING POINTS MEMO: PCCC Memo: Democrats Should Oppose Syria Strikes

Democratic House and Senate members should oppose military action in Syria if they want to reflect the views of their base, according to a congressional memo being circulated Wednesday by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

“You now face a decision that involves life and death. This decision also involves billions of dollars. And it will send a signal to your constituents and the world about our nation’s morals and our ability to make strategic, goal-oriented decisions,” PCCC co-founders Adam Green and Stephanie Taylor said in the memo. “Your progressive base stands firmly against military action in Syria.”

ALL VOICES: Libertarians, liberal doves forge bipartisan coalition against Syria intervention

A bipartisan coalition of libertarian conservatives and liberal doves is emerging in Congress to oppose a resolution for intervention in Syria.

The first major signal of an emerging bipartisan coalition came from the influential Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which circulated a memo to Democrats in the House and Senate stating why in its opinion a military strike against Assad was unjustified.

The memo urged Democratic members of Congress to vote against any resolution authorizing strikes on Syria:

“You now face a decision that involves life and death. This decision also involves billions of dollars. And it will send a signal to your constituents and the world about our nation’s morals and our ability to make strategic, goal-oriented decisions.”

USA TODAY: Congress not rushing back for Syria vote

President Obama heeded the call of members of Congress who were demanding a vote on military action on Syria, but Congress will not rush back to Washington to take that vote.

Obama and congressional leaders may well need the time to make the case to Congress to get enough members to support military action in Syria. Members of both parties have expressed skepticism about whether it’s justified.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal activist group, praised the president for seeking congressional approval. “After years of societal and international norms being thrown out the door — and things like torture, violations of civil liberties and war becoming normalized — today’s announcement is an important down payment on proper norms and regular order being restored,” said PCCC spokesman Adam Green.

HUFFINGTON POST: Obama Decision On U.S. Syria Attack Wins Applause From Skeptical Progressives

Liberals who are often critical of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy are hailing his decision to seek authorization from Congress to strike Syria, even as many continue to oppose the military action itself.

“It’s great news that President Obama is seeking congressional approval for military action, an important precedent for all future presidents,” said Adam Green of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, generally a critic of the president. “After years of societal and international norms being thrown out the door — and things like torture, violations of civil liberties, and war becoming normalized — today’s announcement is an important down payment on proper norms and regular order being restored.”

THE HILL: Poll: Rep. Honda holds lead over Democratic primary challenger

The incumbent Democrat has 49 percent support to 15 percent for opponent Ro Khanna, PPP says.

Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) holds a wide lead over his primary opponent, Ro Khanna, in a new Democratic poll of the competitive California race.

According to the survey, conducted by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) for Democracy for America (DFA) and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Honda takes 49 percent support among Democratic primary voters and Khanna takes 15 percent support.

Thirty-six percent of voters in California’s 17th district, which includes San Jose and Silicon Valley, are still undecided.

POLITICO: Poll: Mike Honda far in front in primary

California Rep. Mike Honda has a commanding lead over high-profile Democratic primary opponent Ro Khanna, according to a new poll provided to POLITICO.

According to the survey, conducted by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, Honda has a 49 percent to 15 percent lead over Khanna. Thirty-six percent said they were undecided. The poll was commissioned by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a Washington-based liberal group that has been supportive of Honda. Democracy for America also paid for the poll.

ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY INSTITUTE: Pay It Forward: A case study in transforming students into changemakers

Yesterday, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) – a national campaign committee fighting for progressive change – convened a discussion between professors, policy leaders and students to discuss Pay It Forward and ways to turn university classrooms into hubs of civic action.

PCCC has done incredible work to introduce professors and their classrooms to public policy work. This summer, for example, they organized more than 1,000 professors in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s student loan reform bill.

Now, they’ve created a case study out of Pay It Forward to demonstrate how professors can develop classes that empower students to tackle real world problems. After all, it was Professor Barbara Dudley’s determined Portland State University class that put Pay It Forward on the national stage and successfully passed Oregon’s pilot program legislation, with the help of the Oregon Working Families party.

THE NATION: Pushback Against Safety Net Cuts During August Recess

There’s been a lot of coverage about what members are hearing from their constituents about immigration during this recess, and rightly so. But there’s another huge decision Congress must make this fall: funding the government and avoiding the debt ceiling. These negotiations have always produced talk, from both Democrats and Republicans, about cutting safety net—and members of Congress are hearing from their constituents on that, too.

Meanwhile, a coalition of progressive groups—including the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America, Credo Action,, Progressives United and Social Security Works—have mobilized to back a plan from Senators Harkin and Mark Begich to actually boost Social Security benefits.

This campaign reared its head in Kentucky this week, where the PCCC released an ad calling on Mitch McConnell to support an expansion of benefits.