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Progressive Change Campaign Committee

MISSOULA INDEPENDENT: Drafting a “game changer”

Adam Green has been following Brian Schweitzer from afar for years. Even before he co-founded the Washington, D.C.-based Progressive Change Campaign Committee with former union organizer Stephanie Taylor in 2009, he saw Schweitzer as ai???an authentic guy who says whatai??i??s on his mind and generally stands up for the little Now Green and Taylor are trying to draw Schweitzer out of his post-gubernatorial life on Georgetown Lake and convince him to run for the U.S. Senate in 2014. Theyai??i??re already primed to hand him $24,000 in contributions the moment he declares.

ai???We look for game changers,ai??? Green told the Indy during one of several stops in western Montana early this week. ai???People who will both represent their state well and have a systemic impact on the culture of politics in Washington. Brian Schweitzerai??i??s authenticity and economic populism is something that the Democratic Party sorely needs right now, and could have huge ripple effects across the nation if he has a bully pulpit in Washington,

THE COURIER-JOURNAL: PCCC Urges McConnell to Back Gun Measure

About 30 people attended a rally held by Moms Demand Action and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which has aired ads attacking McConnell prior to the 2014 elections, when he will run for a sixth term. They stood in a light rain outside the Gene Snyder U.S. Courthouse and Customhouse, where McConnell’s office is located, carrying signs that said things like “Background Checks Save Lives” and “82% of Kentuckians Demand Common Sense Gun Laws.”

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Groups Protest Sen. McConnell Gun Vote

Protesters in Louisville are criticizing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for voting against a bill that would have expanded background checks for gun sales. A group of about 30 people, mostly women, held signs in front of McConnell’s Louisville offices on Monday afternoon. They dropped off a petition with 1,200 signatures that demanded the senator support “sensible gun reform.” McConnell voted against the bill last month, and it eventually failed to get a 60-vote majority needed to advance. The group included members from Moms Demand Action and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

THE HILL: Gun control supporters launch frenzied campaign to revive legislation

In Montana, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal policy group, has sponsored a series of TV commercials attacking Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D) for his “no” vote on Manchin-Toomey. And the Brady group has launched a texting campaign that puts voters directly in touch with their elected officials on Capitol Hill.

BLOOMBERG: NRA Celebrates Gun Control Defeat, Senators Face Backlash

Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a political group that typically supports Democrats, spent $50,000 to air a TV ad in Montana and Washington asking Baucus to reconsider his position on background checks. “Now that you’re retiring, please put Montana first,” a woman says at the close of the spot. That group touted Baucus’ statement Thursday as “huge,” though the senator makes clear that he would reconsider his position “based on the feedback he gathers from the people of Montana.” Progressive Change has also spent $100,000 on full-page ads in the hometown newspapers of Democrats Baucus, Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor, Alaska Sen. Mark Begich and North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. Begich and Pryor are running in 2014.

MCCLATCHY: Obama’s bid to squeeze Social Security enrages his core backers

Prominent liberal activists – among them groups, such as and Democracy for America, that helped Obama gain re-election in November – view his willingness to reduce future Social Security payments as a betrayal of core Democratic commitments to help the needy and ease the burdens of old age. The groups are vowing to run primary challengers against Democratic members of Congress who back the president’s controversial quest. “Social Security is a key part of the Democratic legacy and a vital lifeline to millions of Americans,” Stephanie Taylor, a co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, told McClatchy on Thursday. “Any Democrat who votes for such a plan should be ready for a primary challenge.”

TIME: The Battle Over Gun Control Follows Key Senators Back Home

Max Baucus returned to Montana to find a full ad attack waged against him by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC). The group is running a new TV ad, shown below, and bought full-page ads in 20 Montana newspapers grilling him on his gun vote.

NEW YORK TIMES OPINION PAGES: Guns and Political Suicide

Gun control advocates plan to make the “no” votes on background checks cast by Heitkamp, Begich and Pryor politically costly. They want to change the mental calculations of politicians so that voting against gun control will amount to political suicide. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, for example, has announced plans to run newspaper ads in each of their states, including Figure 2, in North Dakota.

NEW YORK TIMES: Gun Law Proponents Focus Ads on 2 Senators

With members of Congress back in their home states for recess this week, activists pushing for tougher gun laws are hitting two senators with new appeals on television, asking them to change their votes.

A liberal group, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said Wednesday that it was spending $50,000 on a television ad in Montana to pressure Max Baucus, the stateai??i??s retiring Democratic senator, to support an enhanced background check system for gun buyers.

BUZZFEED: Ad Wars Escalate In Montana Over Max Baucus’s Gun Vote

The latest ad, from the national liberal group Progressive Change Campaign Committee, hit the airwaves Wednesday morning on broadcast and cable channels in major Montana media markets — Helena, Missoula, and Billings — and on cable in Washington, D.C. The $50,000 ad buy will run for one week.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: Progressives Launch Another Ad Attack Against Max Baucus For Voting Against Background Checks

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, or PCCC, a political action committee, will launch a new television ad on Wednesday to up the pressure on Baucus to support gun control legislation that would expand background checks to include gun shows and online sales.

MONTANA COW GIRL: New Ad Up in Montana on Background Checks

This morning the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) has launched a new TV ad pressuring Max Baucus to support background checks for gun sales, something over 79% of Montanans support according to the post recent Montana-specific poll.

MSNBC: Rachel Maddow highlights PPPC ads targeting Max Baucus

Rachel Maddow previewed the PCCC’s latest ad featuring a Montana gun owner taking on Max Baucus and asking him to support background checks.

NATIONAL JOURNAL: In the Aftermath of Gun-Bill Loss in Senate, Liberals Put Incumbent Democrats on Notice

After last week’s failed gun-control vote in the Senate, in which a handful of moderate Democrats defected from their party, a coalition of progressive groups is warning those at-risk incumbents to start avoiding votes that make them look too conservative. If not, these liberal activists say their support, enthusiasm, and contributions will dwindle—or, in a worst case for Democrats, they’ll mount a potentially damaging primary challenge… “No matter what, people want to feel good about a person they’re volunteering for or donating to,” said Adam Green, cofounder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. “So even Democratic voters who hold their nose to vote for an out-of-touch Democratic incumbent might be less likely to volunteer or donate, which could make a huge difference in a close election.”

THE MILWAUKEE-WISCONSIN JOURNAL SENTINEL: Liberals pressure Gwen Moore to pledge to oppose all cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid benefits

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a liberal political action committee, is asking its supporters to call U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) and urge her to sign the so-called Grayson-Takano letter.

“Representative Gwen Moore has not yet signed the letter, and she is hurting the ability of progressive leaders to protect Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits,” the email to supporters says.

The letter, to be sent to President Barack Obama, is signed by 39 Democratic House members, including Alan Grayson of Florida and Mark Takano of California.

BUZZFEED: Progressives Emerge As Brian Schweitzer’s Unlikely Ally

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee launched a “Draft Brian Schweitzer for Senate” campaign just hours after Baucus announced he would step down at the end of his sixth term in early 2015. The group has already raised more than $18,700, spokesman Matt Wall told BuzzFeed, with a pitch that asks progressives to replace the “Senator from K Street” with Schweitzer, whom they call a “bold progressive populist.”

KGVO: The Draft Brian Schweitzer For U.S. Senate Campaign Already in Full Swing

Within hours of an announcement that Montana Senior Senator Max Baucus would be retiring in 2014, political action committees have already been raising money to welcome Brian Schweitzer into the race. The Political Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) has a website devoted to Schweitzer, in which it describes the former Montana Governor as “a bold progressive populist who supports single-payer health care and lists Paul Wellstone as one of his icons.”

ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS: Activists target Begich, 3 other Dems who voted against new gun-buyer background checks

A group called the Progressive Change Campaign Committee is taking out full-page ads in local newspapers targeting Begich, Pryor, Baucus and Heitkamp and will make television spots next week, said Adam Green, its co-founder.

HUFFINGTON POST: Max Baucus Gun Vote Targeted In Progressive Change Campaign Committee Ad Campaign

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee announced on Friday a new ad attacking Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) for his vote against background checks.

The ad is the first of four in a $100,000 campaign targeting the Democratic senators who voted against the Manchin-Toomey amendment to expand background checks for firearm purchases. The other Democrats opposing the legislation were Sens. Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark Pryor (Ark.) and Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.).

MCCLATCHY: PCCC targets Baucus on gun vote

That didn’t take long. A progressive group released the first ad in a $100,000 campaign against the four Democratic senators who voted against a proposal to expand background checks for firearms sales. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is targeting Sen. Max Baucus this Sunday in seven papers across his state of Montana — the Billings Gazette, Butte Montana Standard, Helena Independent Record, Missoulian, Bozeman Chronicle, Kalispell Daily Interlake and Hamilton Ravalli Republic.

USA TODAY: Liberal group hits Sen. Baucus on gun vote

A liberal group on Friday took aim at Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, launching the first in a series of ads targeting Democratic senators who voted against expanded background checks on gun purchases.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) is running full-page ads in seven newspapers throughout Montana. The ad includes the signatures of 75 gun owners across Montana who are protesting Baucus’ vote.

MSNBC: Liberal groups fire back at Dems who voted ‘No’ to background checks

Serves them right? Several liberal groups are lining up to shame the Senate Democrats who voted against a bipartisan compromise to expand background checks for gun purchases—something nearly nine in 10 Americans support. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) said it plans to run approximately $100,000 in print advertisements against Sens. Max Baucus of Montana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Mark Begich of Alaska. Of the four, all of whom preside in gun-friendly states, Begich, Pryor and Baucus all face re-election next year.

THE HILL: Progressive groups threaten attacks on Democratic ‘no’ votes on gun control

PCCC is already launching full-page newspaper ads targeting the four Democratic “no” votes: Sens. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.).

“Today, the Senate voted against the 91% of Americans who support background checks to stop gun violence. We’ll be holding accountable Democrats who voted against their constituents by running ads in their states, featuring some of the 23,000 gun owners who have joined our campaign for common sense gun reform,” said Stephanie Taylor, PCCC co-founder, in a statement.

GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE: Montana gun owners, progressive group members urge U.S. senators to vote for gun bill

In the hours leading up to the U.S. Senate’s vote to on a bill calling for universal background checks for gun purchases, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee held a conversation with concerned Montanans urging Sen. Max Baucus to back the legislation.

NATIONAL JOURNAL DAILY: Progressives Fight Obama on Entitlements with Eye on 2014

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy for America are two grassroots progressive groups threatening to back a primary challenge to any Democrat who votes to use the chained CPI measure. “If people don’t represent their constituents back home and pursue an agenda of cutting Social Security benefits,… then, yeah, there needs to be accountability in 2014, and we’re very serious,” said PCCC cofounder Adam Green. He added that his group has already taken the first step by asking people who signed the petition if they would be willing to run for Congress to defend entitlements. More than 1,300 members said yes, he said.