(Photo credit: Flickr user psd)
Last night, President Obama made the proposal to raise the minimum wage to $9 an hour and then to index it to inflation. This would be a wage increase for workers in every single state except Washington.
While Republicans have already stated their intention to obstruct this proposal, they should know that raising the minimum wage is actually wildly popular. Polling conducted by Lake Research in February 2012 found that voters actually want a proposal even more progressive than Obama’s suggestion.
Their poll found that 73 percent of voters want to see the minimum wage raised to $10 an hour by 2014. This includes 50 percent of Republicans.
I am in favor of raising the minimum wage, but many states have one higher tan the Federal Rate.
At $10.00 per hour many people would have a chance of surviving. Think about it 40 hours and bring home $400 less deductions would probably be about $360 per week for a single mom, and we have plenty of those.
I think raising the rate should be tied into cuts in welfare, forcing the lazy ones to have to go and work, instead of just sitting back and collecting benefits………………
capitalists never can create enough jobs for highschool graduates let alone the 30 plus million american adults who need jobs welfare is only going to grow
getting rid of welfare when capitalists cant produce the jobs-is insane
Raising the minimum wage to $10.00/hr. would certainly help those individuals 25 yrs. and older. Individuals with children are faced with daycare expenses, and can’t afford to work for less AND pay for daycare. Raising the minimum wage would help these individuals cover the cost of daycare, allowing them the opportunity of going back to work. Those individuals without the responsibility of raising children will put their money back into the economy with consumer spending.