Alan Grayson must defeat one far-right radio host before he returns to Congress

Bold progressive Alan Grayson is currently campaigning to return to Congress as a member of the House of Representatives. His opponent in the race is right-wing radio host Todd Long.

At a debate with his Republican primary opponents this past summer, Long revealed just how extreme he is. He told the audience that he would work to replace Speaker of the House John Boehner Ai??with either Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) or fellow right-wing extremist Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN):

LONG:Ai??I’ll fight passionately for a Paul Ryan, a thoughtful conservative, Michelle Bachmann or someone that has ideas and solutions based on the founders principles [to be Speaker of the House.]

Watch his remarks at around 03:42 in the following YouTube video:

This makes the choice between Long and Grayson clear. Long wants either an Ayn Rand acolyteAi??in Paul Ryan or fellow right-wing extremist in Bachmann to replace his party’s leader.

To refresh your memory, Bachmann has demanded a McCarythist witch hunt of Muslims in the federal government, has said stopping gay marriage is the biggest issue over the next thirty years, said that global warming is a “hoax” and based on “voodoo,” and has accused Obama of holding “anti-American views.”

So the good voters of Florida should know that a vote for Long is a vote for Ryan and Bachmann by proxy.

Pitch in a few dollars to help Grayson defeat Long.