The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is proud to announce our new blog ai??i??Ai??The Daily Change.

It will be spearheaded by former ThinkProgress investigative blogger Zaid Jilani. OnAi??this site, we hope to achieve 3 goals.

1) Investigative activism. Through practices normally associated withAi??investigative journalism, we will break actual news on this blog. There will be a special focus on campaign finance issues ai??i?? including connecting the dotsAi??between politicians, their donations, and their issue positions.

Whatai??i??s unique about this blog is that it will go beyond merely reporting theAi??problems. By connecting this blog with our million-person email list, weAi??will empower people to solve the problems reported on this site. Hence, theAi??concept weai??i??re coining here ai??i?? investigative activism.

2) Elevating progressive movement voices. There are a lot of greatAi??movement thinkers who offer reporting and commentary thatai??i??s much moreAi??insightful than what you hear in the corporate media. Many of these thinkersAi??believed in the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and supported ourAi??activism when we were just getting off the ground, for which we are veryAi??thankful.

PCCC members deserve to be aware of these inspiring voices. On this blog,Ai??we will highlight these progressive movement voices ai??i?? starting today.

3. Fostering community among PCCC members. Email is very useful forAi??communicating with a million bold progressives. Through email activism,Ai??weai??i??ve drafted Elizabeth Warren for Senate, revived the public option fromAi??the dead, successfully pressured the White House and congressional leadersAi??on many issues, flipped control of the Wisconsin Senate, and achieved manyAi??other victories since our launch on January 7, 2009.

But email has its limitations. We hope this blog can go beyond email to foster an ongoing sense ofAi??community and conversation among our members.

We predict that some major activism campaigns will inspired by theAi??comments on this blog. So if something in one of our posts sparks yourAi??interest, or if you have a thought to add, please please share it. Chances are,Ai??many others will agree with you. And the PCCC co-founders and team willAi??read your comments and engage.

To kick the conversation off, weai??i??d like to focus on one of the issues of the day: PaulAi??Ryanai??i??s budget. We know that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan support ending Medicare.Ai??But our friend Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks online show and Current TVAi??show, explains some of the lesser reported extremism in Ryanai??i??s plans:

What do you think about that? And what are some other facts about Paul Ryan andAi??Mitt Romneyai??i??s budget plans that you think people should know?