Ed Schultz broke news last night: His MSNBC show is moving to Saturday and Sunday from 5pm to 7pm. Ai??Nobody on TVAi??is a stronger voice for working people than Ed Schultz. He deserves to know we treasure that voice — and will keep watching him.

Can you sign our thank-you card to Ed Schultz, and tell him what his voice means to you? Click here — and forward this to other Ed fans.

Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founder Adam Green will be on Ed’s radio show today at 2:05pm and will tell him how many people signed the card, and will read a note on the air.Ai??So sign today.

When unions were attacked in Wisconsin and Ohio, Ed was there.Ai??When Whirlpool fired workers in Iowa, Ed was there. When Bain Capital was moving jobs overseas from Illinois, Ed was there.

Ed has also been a great friend to the PCCC — featuring us on his show many times, and having multiple PCCC members on to tell their stories.

Ed deserves to know that the public thanks him — and we’ll keep watching as he remains a voice for us. Sign the card here, and pass it on.

UPDATE: Over 7,900 people have signed on to thank Ed.

UPDATE II: PCCC co-founder Adam Green appeared on Schultz’s radio show to announce we now have over 10,000 thank yous. He read notes from PCCC members and will continue to deliver thank yous and notes to Ed.

UPDATE III: We now haveAi??16,433 signers

UPDATE IV:Ai??Almost 20,000 people have thanked Ed Schultz for always standing up for working people.

UPDATE V: Almost 25,000 people have signed on.

UPDATE VI, MARCH 15th: Over 40,000 people have now signed on.