Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY) is a Big Coal ally.

Americans expect our government to safeguard our health and well-being. But when lobbyists and Big Money get involved, our government often fails to do that.

Last week, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) offered an amendment to an anti-EPA bill that would’ve required a study of the impacts of transporting coal by rail. This study would’ve informed Americans about the potential hazardous health effects of coal dust.

But the House, led by Rep. Ed Whitfield (KY), killed the amendment. Whitfield is from a major coal state (Kentucky), and mining and electricity interests are his top donors this cycle, together giving him at least $381,000.

Almost all Republicans voted to kill the DeFazio amendment (seven supported it), and twenty-one Democrats joined them. Some of the Democrats who worked to kill DeFazio’s amendment are from coal states and count mining interests as significant donors, like Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV), but there were also a number of retiring Members like Reps. Dan Boren (OK) and Heath Shuler (NC) who voted against the amendment.

One has to wonder if these votes by these retiring legislators were made to court upcoming jobs as lobbyists for the industry.

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