Growing income inequality help set off Occupy Wall Street last year.

Reuters today has a great articleupAi??about income inequality in the United States. One of the most pressing facts in the piece is how the richest Americans have been able to get the vast majority of income growth — meaning that most Americans have their incomes stagnating, declining, or growing only very slowly.

Reuters points to a March paper by UC Berkeley economistAi??Emmanuel Saez, who found that the top 1 percent of Americans received 93 percent of the nation’s income growth in 2010 (as the country was struggling to get out of a recession).

Income inequality has grown so severe that even some of the 1 percent themselves are starting to revolt against it. Reuters interviews former American Airlines CEO Bob Crandall, who started a blog last year to expound on various political ideas. “Income inequality of the scale we have today is destroying our democracy,” the former chief executive told the news service.