A smile paid for by Big Oil.

The fossil fuel industry — oil, coal, gas and other dirty energy sources — are expected to get $113 billion in taxpayer subsidies over the next decade. These subsidies are bought by the industry’s lobbyists and public relations campaigns, which succeed in getting Congress in their pockets.

At a recent public event, an activist from the environmental group 350.org attempted to ask Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) about his votes for these subsidies. But he refused to answer her question and soon fled, with his staff in tow. Watch Gardener obfuscate and flee:

The oil and gas industry is Gardener’s top donor, and he constantly advocates for the industry’s interests from his perch on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

We don’t have to let Big Oil’s campaign cash run our government. Click here to join PCCC’s Take Back Democracy campaign and help kick Big Money out of our politics.